Original Decision


Full case details for milos.com filed at NAF(1072907) under UDRP on 2007-10-17 by Costas Spiliadis with panelist Neil Brown resulted in a Claim Denied decision.

UDRP.Tools ID15000
Decision Outcome:Claim Denied
Decision Date:2007-10-17
Case No:1072907
Panelists:Neil Brown
Complainant Name:Costas Spiliadis
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Michael A Cornman
Complainant Rep Firm:Schweitzer Cornman Gross Bondell Llp
Respondent Name:Nicholas Androulidakis
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:Ira J Levy
Respondent Rep Firm:Goodwin Procter Llp
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
99602City Of Dearborn v. Dan Mekled Dba Id Solutionscityofdearborn.comJeffrey M Samuels, David E Sorkin, R Glen AyersX
98825Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association v. College Transportation Dba Website For Saleglenwoodsprings.comRalph Yachnin, Neil A Smith, Charles K MccotterX
97076City Of Salinas v. Brian Baughncityofsalinas.comNelson A Diaz, James A Crary, Ralph YachninX

Panelists Citing:

Diane Thilly Cabell2
R Glen Ayers1
Hugues G Richard1
Reinhard Schanda1
Ian Barker1
Mark Mccormick1

Cases Citing (Latest):

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bullydogparts.com2012-03-20Bully Dog TechnologiesConcours DirectMark MccormickClaim DeniedNAF 1428542
ssx.com2012-01-04Electronic ArtsAbstract Holdings International Sherene BlackettDiane Thilly Cabell, Ian Barker, R Glen AyersClaim DeniedNAF 1415905
steelmaster.com2010-12-06Future Steel HoldingsPrivate Whois ServiceDiane Thilly Cabell, Hugues G Richard, Reinhard SchandaClaim DeniedNAF 1350737