This page will define how certain things are collected and classified in our database. If you're looking for detailed information about how to search our data, please check our How to Use UDRP.Tools page.
Having accurate data is critical for UDRP Tools but since information is collected and parsed automatically, there can be varying degrees of confidence in the accuracy of such fields. Fields may also have differing rates of coverage, the amount of times we are able to extract this information or it even exists at all to be extracted. The difference between accuracy and coverage is that accuracy is how correct the data we extract is, while coverage is how often we are able to look for that field's information. Field Match Estimate is our approximation for what percentage of the time there is any data in the field. The difference between Field Match Estimate and Field Coverage Estimate is that having no data in the field will still be included in the Field Match Estimate because the parser could search for it and didn't find it. For example, no data in FoundRDNH is covered in our Field Coverage Estimate but not in Field Match Estimate because it's empty (no RDNH found). Our current assessment of each of these aspects of our data is below (Updated Nov 2018):
Field | Confidence in Accuracy | Field Match Estimate | Field Coverage Estimate |
Cited Cases | Medium-High | 81% | 95% |
Considered RDNH | Low | 3% | 90% |
Complainant | High (not normalized) | 99% | 99% |
Complainant Locale | High | 81% | 81% |
Complainant Rep | Medium | 84% | 84% |
Date | High (venues often put incorrect dates in decisions) | 99% | 99% |
Decision | Very High | 99% | 99% |
Dissent | Very High (only tracked at WIPO) | 1% | 55% |
Domain | Very High | 99% | 99% |
Found RDNH | Very High (uses data) | 1% | 99% |
Panelists | Very High | 97% | 99% |
Registrar | High (not normalized) | 70% | 70% |
Respondent | High (not normalized) | 99% | 99% |
Respondent Did Reply | High | 35% | 99% |
Respondent Locale | High | 78% | 78% |
Respondent Rep | Medium | 83% | 83% |
TLD | Very High | 99% | 99% |
Venue | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Some data on UDRP Tools is normalized, some is not. Knowing which fields are and aren't can be helpful to making your search experience and understanding of the results better.
Normalized data attempts to standardize and group together information that is supposed to be the same. For example many cases will list panelists in different ways, for example, adding titles or degrees. Dr. Jane Doe could be the same as Jane Doe ESQ. or Doe, Jane. UDRP Tools attempts to normalize these to all say Jane Doe. This is how we normalize data.
You can find a full list of normalized fields below
Field | Normalized? |
Complainant | No |
Complainant Locale | Yes |
Complainant Rep | No |
Keyword Search | Yes* |
Panelists | Yes |
Registrar | No |
Respondent | No |
Respondent Locale | Yes |
Respondent Rep | No |
*Keyword Search is semi normalized. It consistently strips things down to remove all punctuation but has some limitations which are talked about in its description.
Specific Decision | General Decision |
Cancellation | Cancelled |
Cancelled | Cancelled |
Terminated | Cancelled |
Terminated by Panel (order published) | Cancelled |
Accepted (NOT TRANSFERED) | Cancelled |
Cancellation, denied in part | Split |
Cancellation, transfer in part | Split |
Complaint denied, transfer in part | Split |
Complaint denied, transfer in part with dissenting opinion | Split |
Split Decision | Split |
Split Decision (Default) | Split |
Split Decision (Final) | Split |
Transfer, cancellation in part | Split |
Transfer, denied in part | Split |
Transfer, denied in part with dissenting opinion | Split |
Claim Denied | Denied |
Claim Denied (Default) | Denied |
Claim Denied (Final) | Denied |
Complaint denied | Denied |
Complaint denied with concurring opinion | Denied |
Complaint denied with dissenting and concurring opinion | Denied |
Complaint denied with dissenting opinion | Denied |
Rejected | Denied |
Suspended | Suspended |
Suspended (Appeal) | Suspended |
Suspended (Default) | Suspended |
Suspended (Final) | Suspended |
Transfer | Transferred |
Transfer with concurring opinion | Transferred |
Transfer with dissenting opinion | Transferred |
Transferred | Transferred |
Accepted (Transfered) | Transferred |
Dissents are only officially tracked in WIPO and put into the decision type. NAF and CAC do not show dissent information. As such, UDRP Tools doesn't track NAF/CAC dissents right now.
RDNH data comes from which manually tracks all RDNH rulings.