Original Decision


Full case details for bromoseltzer.com filed at NAF(791325) under UDRP on 2006-10-16 by Tower Laboratories with panelist Paul M Decicco resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID16357
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2006-10-16
Case No:791325
Panelists:Paul M Decicco
Complainant Name:Tower Laboratories
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Kenneth Wexler
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Eric Seltzer
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
406512Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide v. Samjo Celltechstarwoods.comDavid H BernsteinX
244789City News And Video v. Citynewsandvideocitynewsandvideo.comLouis E CondonX
95561Jollibee Foods v. Graham Chrystmanjollibee.comIrving H PerlussX
95407State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Douglas Lafaivestatefarm-claimshelp.comJonathan HudisX

Panelists Citing:

James Carmody4
Ho Hyun Nahm3
Bruce E Meyerson3
Charles K Mccotter2
Carolyn Marks Johnson2
John J Upchurch2
David E Sorkin1
Darryl C Wilson1
Reinhard Schanda1
Tyrus R Atkinson1
Nelson A Diaz1
Karl V Fink1
Richard W Hill1
Hugues G Richard1
Paul M Decicco1
David P Miranda1
Terry F Peppard1
Neil Brown1
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