Original Decision


Full case details for trendyhair.com filed at WIPO(D2014-1689) under UDRP on 2014-11-19 by Gigs United S L with panelist Brigitte Joppich resulted in a Complaint denied decision. The panel found Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.

UDRP.Tools ID27998
Decision Outcome:Complaint denied
Decision Date:2014-11-19
Case No:D2014-1689
Panelists:Brigitte Joppich
Complainant Name:Gigs United S L
Complainant Locale:es
Complainant Rep:Sugraa Es S L Spain
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Sie Mantic
Respondent Locale:nl
Respondent Rep:Plant Hosting Colocation Bv The Netherlands
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:Yes
RDNH Found:Yes

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2013-1238M S Core Diagnostics v. Herr Guenter Keulcorediagnostics.comRichard W HillX
D2012-1555Pick Enterprises v. Domains By Proxy Woman To Woman Healthcarejust Us Women Health Centerwomantowomanhealthcenter.comRichard G LyonX
D2011-0596Futuris Automotive Interiors Australia v. X9 Interactivefuturis.comAndrew Lothian, Michael A Albert, Andrew F ChristieX
D2009-1279Ville De Paris v. Salient Propertieswifiparis.comWarwick Smith, Christiane Feral Schuhl, Tony WilloughbyX
D2005-0309Jazeera Space Channel Tv Station v. Aj Publishingaljazeera.comWarwick Smith, Jane Lambert, Mohamed Hossam LoutfiX
D2000-1151Goldline International v. Gold Linegoldline.comDavid H Bernstein, David M Kelly, Alan LimburyX

Panelists Citing:

William R Towns4
Richard G Lyon2
David H Bernstein1
Ian Lowe1
Neil Brown1
Knud Wallberg1
Jon Lang1

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