Original Decision


Full case details for yellowpage-alberta.com filed at WIPO(D2011-1833) under UDRP on 2012-01-12 by Yellow Pages Group Co Groupe Pages Jaunes Cie with panelists Warwick Smith, W Scott Blackmer, and Alan Limbury resulted in a Terminated by Panel (order published) decision.

UDRP.Tools ID33800
Domain(s):yellowpage-alberta.com, yellowpage-britishcolumbia.com, yellowpage-canada.com, yellowpage-group.com, yellowpage-manitoba.com, yellowpage-newbrunswick.com, yellowpage-newfoundlandandlabrador.com, yellowpage-northwestterritories.com, yellowpage-novascotia.com, yellowpage-nunavut.com, yellowpage-ontario.com, yellowpage-princeedwardisland.com, yellowpage-quebec.com, yellowpage-saskatchewan.com, yellowpage-yukon.com
Decision Outcome:Terminated by Panel (order published)
Decision Date:2012-01-12
Case No:D2011-1833
Panelists:Warwick Smith, W Scott Blackmer, Alan Limbury
Complainant Name:Yellow Pages Group Co Groupe Pages Jaunes Cie
Complainant Locale:ca
Complainant Rep:Mcmillan Llp Canada
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Yellow Page Marketing B V Thomas Moll
Respondent Locale:nl
Respondent Rep:Sim Lowman Ashton Mckay Llp Canada
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:Yes
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2011-0057Sensis Telstra v. Yellow Page Marketing B Vyellowpage-adelaide.comW Scott Blackmer, Willem J H Leppink, Alan LimburyX
D2010-0817Sensis Telstra v. Yellow Page Yellow Page Marketing B Vyellowpage-adelaide.comFrederick M AbbottX
D2009-0041Tiara Hotels Resorts v. John Pepinessque.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2009-0367Dna Housemarks v. Tucows Com Codunlop.comRichard G LyonX
D2008-1285Galley v. Pride Marketing Procurementgalley.comPeter L Michaelson, James A Barker, Mark PartridgeX
D2008-1477Aussie Car Loans v. Wilson And Wilson Accountantsaussieautoloans.netAlan LimburyX
D2006-0318Allianz Ag v. Marian Dinueuropealliance.comBernhard MeyerX
D2002-0651Telstra v. India Yellow Pagesaustralianyellowpages.comTony WilloughbyX

Panelists Citing:

Warwick A Rothnie1
Linda Chang1
David H Bernstein1
David E Sorkin1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
citizensforabetterkenner.com2020-08-07Citizens For A Better KennerScott SigurDavid H BernsteinTerminated by Panel (order published)WIPO D2020-1462
sdlg.com2012-11-12Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery CoStanley Pace Whois Privacy ServiceWarwick A Rothnie, Linda Chang, David E SorkinTransferWIPO D2012-1626