Original Decision


Full case details for legode.com filed at WIPO(D2010-0840) under UDRP on 2010-07-13 by Lego Juris A S with panelist George R F Souter resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID34849
Domain(s):legode.com, legoindygames.com, legouniverese.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2010-07-13
Case No:D2010-0840
Panelists:George R F Souter
Complainant Name:Lego Juris A S
Complainant Locale:dk
Complainant Rep:Melbourne It Corporate Brand Services Ab Sweden
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Rampe Purda Privacy Protect Org
Respondent Locale:fi
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2010-0636Hertz System v. Rampe Purda Privacyprotect Orghertzcarrental.comGeorge R F SouterX
D2010-0720U S Natural Resources v. Rampe Purda Privacy Protect Orgfriedrichairconditioning.comGeorge R F SouterX
D2009-0680Lego Juris A S v. Reginald Hastings Jrlegosaurusrex.comAngelica LodigianiX
D2008-1692Lego Juris A S v. Level 5legolanddenmark.comAnders JansonX
D2008-1715Lego Juris A S v. Michael Longolegonetworks.comAnders JansonX

Panelists Citing:

George R F Souter5
David Stone5
Olga Zalomiy4
Nicholas Weston4
Michael A R Bernasconi3
Gabriel F Leonardos2
Young Hill Liew2
Assen Alexiev2
Philippe Gillieron2
Derek M Minus2
Dennis A Foster1
Piotr Nowaczyk1
Mariya Koval1
Eva Fiammenghi1
Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin1
Mihaela Maravela1
Andrea Jaeger Lenz1
Louis Bernard Buchman1
John R Keys1
Seth M Reiss1
Masato Dogauchi1
Thomas L Creel1
Nicholas Smith1
Manoel J Pereira Dos Santos1
Stephanie Hartung1
Gabriela Paiva Hantke1
Alistair Payne1
Jung Wook Cho1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
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klublego.com2015-10-26Lego Juris A SKonrad Bodurkiewicz Consolido Sp Z O OLouis Bernard BuchmanTransferWIPO D2015-1398
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legosmeister.com2012-10-11Lego Juris A SOneandone Private Registration MintmultimediaYoung Hill LiewTransferWIPO D2012-1669
176lego.com2012-10-11Lego Juris A SPrivacyprotect Org Yang Yuan GongsiYoung Hill LiewTransferWIPO D2012-1634
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legoninjagofiretemple.org2012-02-21Lego Juris A SEveline ChristianyAndrea Jaeger LenzTransferWIPO D2011-2294
legolandhotels.org2012-02-19Lego Juris A SDomains By Proxy Quest Commerce Quest CommerceNicholas SmithTransferWIPO D2012-0048
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