Original Decision


Full case details for legoshoping.com filed at WIPO(D2010-1260) under UDRP on 2010-09-20 by Lego Juris A S with panelist Ian Blackshaw resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID35178
Domain(s):legoshoping.com, legosoccer.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2010-09-20
Case No:D2010-1260
Panelists:Ian Blackshaw
Complainant Name:Lego Juris A S
Complainant Locale:dk
Complainant Rep:Melbourne It Digital Brand Services Sweden
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Domain Administrator
Respondent Locale:cn
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2009-0680Lego Juris A S v. Reginald Hastings Jrlegosaurusrex.comAngelica LodigianiX
D2008-1692Lego Juris A S v. Level 5legolanddenmark.comAnders JansonX
D2008-1715Lego Juris A S v. Michael Longolegonetworks.comAnders JansonX
D2007-1912Villeroy Boch Ag v. Mario Pingernavilleroy-boch.mobiDavid J A CairnsX
D2006-0451F Hoffmann La Roche Ag v. Macalve E Dominios S Aall-about-tamiflu.comTorsten BettingerX
D2006-0977Fannie May Confections Fresh Intellectual Properties 1 800 Flowers Com v. G Designfanneimay.comAnna CarabelliX
D2005-0023Segway v. Chris Hoffmansegwayaccessories.comDoug IsenbergX
D2004-0312Dr Ing H C F Porsche Ag v. Ron Andersonporschesales.comAnna CarabelliX
D2004-0411Harrods v. Brad Shawharrods-poker.comAdam TaylorX
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D2004-0546Harrods v. Simon Harkin Travelharrodstravel.comIan BlackshawX
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D2003-0366Nova Banka v. Irisnovabanka.comBrigitte JoppichX
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D2002-0787Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag v. Joshuathan Investmentsbmwdealer.comBradley FreedmanX
D2002-1064The Vanguard Group v. Lorna Kangvanguar.comBradley FreedmanX
D2001-0015Telecom Personal S A v. Namezero Comtelecompersonal.comPedro W Buchanan Smith, Roberto Bianchi, Dennis A FosterX
D2001-0067Drexel University v. David Broudadrexel.orgM Scott DonaheyX
D2001-0456Harrods v. Peter Pierreharrodsdepartmentstores.comPhilip N ArgyX
D2001-0936Koestritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei Co v. Alexandr Smirnoff Macros Telekomkoestritzer.comAlan LimburyX
D2001-1162Harrods v. Vineet Singhharrodsgarments.comJohn KatzX
D2001-1314Deutsche Bank Ag v. New York Tv Show Ticketsduetsche-bank.comIan Barker, M Scott Donahey, Peter L MichaelsonX
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D2000-1525Magnum Piering v. Garwood S Wilson Sr The Mudjackersmagnum-pier.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2000-1598Nike v. Azumano Travelnikesportstravel.comRichard W PageX
D2000-1623News Group Newspapersnews Network v. Momm Amed Iapag3.comIan BarkerX

Panelists Citing:

David Stone5
Nicholas Weston4
Gabriel F Leonardos2
Olga Zalomiy2
Michel Vivant2
Young Hill Liew2
Derek M Minus2
Assen Alexiev2
Philippe Gillieron2
Seth M Reiss1
Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin1
Maxim H Waldbaum1
Dennis A Foster1
John Swinson1
Stephanie Hartung1
Masato Dogauchi1
Mihaela Maravela1
John R Keys1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

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legocityreview.com2013-08-15Lego Juris A SPrivacyprotect Org Domain Admin Shayna ThornhillMichel VivantTransferWIPO D2013-1109
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flashlego.com2013-02-22Lego Juris A SDomains By Proxy Hu XiaopingDavid StoneTransferWIPO D2013-0109
legocitystore.com2013-02-22Lego Juris A SStore24hourDavid StoneTransferWIPO D2013-0091
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legocloud.com2013-01-24Lego Juris A SSamuel OlssonAssen AlexievTransferWIPO D2012-2390
legomindstorms.info2012-12-26Lego Juris A SDwi Agus Helmi BisriGabriel F LeonardosTransferWIPO D2012-2135
legodacta.ro2012-12-24Lego Juris A SLego Dacta Educational Center Fundatia Lego Schoolpre School Educational Center Foundation Angela Moser P F Centrul Educational Lego DactaMihaela MaravelaTransferWIPO DRO2012-0008
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lego-eisenbahn.info2012-06-04Lego Juris A SMr AntonioJohn R KeysTransferWIPO D2012-0572
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legobuild.com2011-10-04Lego Juris A SNathan JosephNicholas WestonTransferWIPO D2011-1382
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legoxchange.com2011-09-21Lego Juris A SAshley NortonNicholas WestonTransferWIPO D2011-1339
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