Original Decision


Full case details for google4people.net filed at WIPO(D2009-0453) under UDRP on 2009-07-13 by Google with panelist Jon Lang resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID36366
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2009-07-13
Case No:D2009-0453
Panelists:Jon Lang
Complainant Name:Google
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Middletons Lawyers Australia
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Txtcorp
Respondent Locale:au
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2001-0067Drexel University v. David Broudadrexel.orgM Scott DonaheyX
D2001-0903Oki Data Americas v. Asdinc Comokidataparts.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2000-0096Eauto L L C v. Eauto Partseautoparts.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2000-0995Komatsu America International Companykomatsu v. Rkwebkomatsu-parts.comAlan LimburyX
D2000-1493Microsoft v. J Holiday Co4microsoft2000.comRichard W PageX

Panelists Citing:

James A Barker1
Alexandre Nappey1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
googleinstores.com2009-12-04GooglePsingh SabharwalJames A BarkerTransferWIPO D2009-1300
adsgoogle.net2009-10-27GoogleAdvertising Services Saigon VietnamAlexandre NappeyTransferWIPO D2009-1157