Original Decision


Full case details for orlandosheraton.com filed at WIPO(D2007-0829) under UDRP on 2007-08-30 by Sheraton International Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide The Sheraton Westin License Company with panelist Gabriel F Leonardos resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID39477
Domain(s):orlandosheraton.com, sheratonbostonhotel.com, sheratongrandhotel.com, sheraton-hotel.com, sheratonhotles.com, sheratonimperial.com, sheratoninns.com, sheratonmotels.com, sheratonprincess.com, sheratonseattle.com, sheratonsuite.com, sheraton-suites.com, sheratonsuitescypresscreek.com, sheratonsuits.com, thewestinhotels.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2007-08-30
Case No:D2007-0829
Panelists:Gabriel F Leonardos
Complainant Name:Sheraton International Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide The Sheraton Westin License Company
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Frossa Zelnicka Lehrmana A Zissu A Pc Uniteda Statesa Ofa America
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Services
Respondent Locale:dm
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2007-0021Authorize Net v. Servicesautorize.netDavid J A CairnsX
D2007-0136Rapaport Usa v. Servicesrapapport.comJ Nelson LandryX
D2007-0169Gannett Satellite Information Network Media West Gmp v. Servicesthenewarkadvocate.comJonathan TurnerX
D2007-0335Associated Banc v. Servicesassociatedbanc.comJ Christopher ThomasX
D2007-0337Highlights For Children v. Serviceshighlightkids.comBradley FreedmanX
D2007-0387Goulds Pumps Orporateditt v. Services Moniker Privacy Servicesgouldspump.comJon LangX
D2007-0524Costco Wholesalecostco Wholesale Membership v. Moniker Privacy Servicesservicescostcocarinsurance.comJ Christopher ThomasX
D2006-1651A G Edwards Sons v. Servicesagewards.comAdam SamuelX
D2002-0177Molmed S P A v. Professor Asif Ahmedmolmed.comFrancois DessemontetX

Panelists Citing:

Isabel Davies2
Angela Fox1
Derek M Minus1

Cases Citing (Latest):

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sheraton-kl.com2011-09-09Sheraton International Sheratonstarwood Hotels Resorts WorldwideIsaac IsaacIsabel DaviesTransferWIPO D2011-1275
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