Original Decision


Full case details for playboymobilecelebrities.com filed at WIPO(D2006-1542) under UDRP on 2007-02-26 by Playboy Enterprises International with panelists Maxim H Waldbaum, James A Barker, and Steven L Snyder resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID41409
Domain(s):playboymobilecelebrities.com, playboymobileclips.com, playboymobilecoeds.com, playboymobilecontent.com, playboymobilelifestyle.com, playboymobilesexclips.com, playboymobilevideos.com, playboysexclips.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2007-02-26
Case No:D2006-1542
Panelists:Maxim H Waldbaum, James A Barker, Steven L Snyder
Complainant Name:Playboy Enterprises International
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Cody W Zumwalt Of Howard Phillips Andersen Usa
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Roger Banning
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2006-0114Spice Entertainment v. Steve Flemingspicehotel.comEdward C Chiasson, Gordon Harris, Peter L MichaelsonX
D2006-0675Playboy Enterprises International v. Tamara Pittsplayboyclublasvegas.comW Scott Blackmer, Paul E Mason, Peter L MichaelsonX
D2005-0332Playboy Enterprises International v. Mr Luis Sastreplayboy-movies.comDan Hunter, Timothy D Casey, Maninder SinghX
D2005-0767Playboy Enterprises International v. Asia Sunplayboymobile.comJames A Barker, Peter L Michaelson, G XueX
D2004-0214Southern Communications Services Southern Linc v. Henry Chansoutherlinc.comFernando TrianaX
D2004-0753Cassava Enterprises Gibraltar Cassava Enterprises v. Victor Chandler Internationalvictor888.comWarwick Smith, Dawn Osborne, David E SorkinX
D2003-0455Croatia Airlines D D v. Modern Empire Internetcroatiaairlines.comHub J HarmelingX
D2002-1156Playboy Enterprises v. Domain Activeafrican-playboy.comChristopher P Tootal, David H Bernstein, Dawn OsborneX
D2001-0193Microsoft v. Mindkindmicrosofthealth.comMarylee JenkinsX
D2001-0745Playboy Enterprises International v. Federico Concasplayboy-photographer.comAlan Limbury, Luca Barbero, Peter L MichaelsonX
D2001-1082Playboy Enterprises International v. Vilesshomeplayboymarket.comAlan Limbury, Peter L Michaelson, Herman VerbistX
D2000-0346Chase Merchant Ventures Chase Merchant Services The Chase Manhattan v. John Whitelychasemerchantservices.comDennis A FosterX

Panelists Citing:

Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin1
Harry L Arkin1
D Brian King1
Peter L Michaelson1
Christopher S Gibson1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
playboysocial.com2012-04-22Playboy Enterprises Playboy Enterprises InternationalFs1 A K A Carlton CriderChristopher S GibsonTransferWIPO D2012-0181
hermes-celeb.com2011-02-18Hermes InternationalYang FenSyed Naqiz ShahabuddinTransferWIPO D2010-2272
bunnybridget.com2008-07-16Playboy Enterprises InternationalJohn Smith Emedia ServicesD Brian King, Harry L Arkin, Peter L MichaelsonTransferWIPO D2008-0726