Original Decision


Full case details for clockhouse.com filed at WIPO(D2001-0503) under UDRP on 2001-06-12 by C A Nederland C V C A U K Aldermar A G with panelists Thomas M Legler, M Scott Donahey, and Charles Gielen resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID45583
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2001-06-12
Case No:D2001-0503
Panelists:Thomas M Legler, M Scott Donahey, Charles Gielen
Complainant Name:C A Nederland C V C A U K Aldermar A G
Complainant Locale:gb
Complainant Rep:Mrs A Sophie Van De Steen Esq Alcide De Gasperilaan 1804 Vilvoorde Belgium
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Safetynet Systems
Respondent Locale:gb
Respondent Rep:Itsa Director Mr Paul Cotton
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:Yes
RDNH Found:No

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Cited Cases:

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D2000-1005Asphalt Research Technology v. National Press Publishingezstreet.netM Scott DonaheyX
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