Original Decision


Full case details for guinnessnet.com filed at WIPO(D2000-1731) under UDRP on 2001-02-06 by Arthur Guinness Son Co Dublin with panelist Edward C Chiasson resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID47785
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2001-02-06
Case No:D2000-1731
Panelists:Edward C Chiasson
Complainant Name:Arthur Guinness Son Co Dublin
Complainant Locale:ie
Complainant Rep:None
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Gisoo Cho
Respondent Locale:kr
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

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Panelists Citing:

Anders Janson1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
netsmurf.com2004-12-09International Merchandising Promotion And Services I M P S Studio Peyo S AWw ProductionsAnders JansonTransferWIPO D2004-0768