Original Decision


Full case details for ets-toefl-ibt-registration.org filed at WIPO(D2017-0689) under UDRP on 2017-06-14 by Educational Testing Service with panelist Tobias Malte Mueller resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID51276
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2017-06-14
Case No:D2017-0689
Panelists:Tobias Malte Mueller
Complainant Name:Educational Testing Service
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Jones Day United States
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Ahmed Hasan Ali Dr Haider
Respondent Locale:iq
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2016-0950Facebook v. Mirza Azimfacebookwork.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2016-1190Sanofi v. Kiyuniessaysanofi.accountantTobias Malte MuellerX
D2016-1193Genzymesanofi v. Domain Privacygenyzme.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2015-0070Volkswagen Ag v. Nowack Auto Und Sport Oliver Nowackvolkswagenmotorsport.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2015-0812The Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford v. Oxford College For Phd Studiesoxfordcollegeirl.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2015-1320Deutsche Lufthansa Ag v. Mustermann Max Muster Aglufthansa-kartenabrechnung.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2015-1910Koc Holding A S v. Vistaprint Technologies Domain Administrator Vistaprintkocholdinggroup.comTobias Malte MuellerX
D2014-2100The Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford v. Almutasem Alshaikhissaoxfordphdcollege.comNicholas SmithX
D2012-2102Compagnie Generale Des Etablissements Michelin v. Christian Violamichelinfoodguide.comDinant T L OosterbaanX
D2007-0449Educational Testing Service Ets v. International Namesetstoefl.orgChristopher J PibusX
D2001-1064Educational Testing Service v. Park Jeong Foreign Language Institutecbt-toefl.comDesmond J RyanX

Panelists Citing:

Roberto Bianchi1
Christian Gassauer Fleissner1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
toeflscore.net2018-08-31Educational Testing ServiceVirus TerminatorRoberto BianchiTransferWIPO D2018-1546
toeflindonesia.com2018-07-05Educational Testing ServiceDomain Admin Privacy Protect Privacyprotect Org Hery Atmanhery AtmanChristian Gassauer FleissnerTransferWIPO D2018-0999