Original Decision


Full case details for learnthenet.com filed at WIPO(D2000-0298) under UDRP on 2000-06-13 by Readygo Formerly Know Aslearn The Net with panelist Mark Partridge resulted in a Terminated decision.

UDRP.Tools ID85506
Decision Outcome:Terminated
Decision Date:2000-06-13
Case No:D2000-0298
Panelists:Mark Partridge
Complainant Name:Readygo Formerly Know Aslearn The Net
Complainant Locale:
Complainant Rep:
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:
Respondent Locale:
Respondent Rep:
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Panelists Citing:

James Bridgeman1
Richard A Horning1
Tony Willoughby1
Gerd F Kunze1
W Scott Blackmer1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
met-art.com2006-04-20Metropolitan Life Insurance CompanyHlp General PartnersW Scott Blackmer, James Bridgeman, Tony WilloughbyComplaint deniedWIPO D2005-1323
acompliareport.com2005-08-12Sanofi AventisMilton R BenjaminGerd F KunzeTransferWIPO D2005-0544
usatodaysports.com2000-12-11Gannett Satellite Information Network Media West GsiCupcake City Null John Zuccarini A K A John ZuccariniRichard A HorningComplaint deniedWIPO D2000-1205