Original Decision


Full case details for victron.com filed at WIPO(D2022-1186) under UDRP on 2022-06-02 by Victron Energy B V with panelists Assen Alexiev, Jeffrey J Neuman, and Warwick A Rothnie resulted in a Transfer with dissenting opinion decision.

UDRP.Tools ID98134
Decision Outcome:Transfer with dissenting opinion
Decision Date:2022-06-02
Case No:D2022-1186
Panelists:Assen Alexiev, Jeffrey J Neuman, Warwick A Rothnie
Complainant Name:Victron Energy B V
Complainant Locale:
Complainant Rep:Leopold Meijnen Oosterbaan Advocaten Netherlands
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Privacy Administrator Anonymize Sarvix
Respondent Locale:
Respondent Rep:Howard M Neu Law Offices Usa United States Or Us
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:Yes
RDNH Found:No
Dissenting Panelist:Jeffrey J Neuman

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2007-0489Terana S A v. Rarenames Webregterana.comAlan Limbury, James Bridgeman, David E SorkinX
D2005-0560Asset Marketing Systems v. Silver Liningglobalguestspeaker.comDawn OsborneX
D2021-4256Matias Eduardo Araya Varela v. Jason Newbyreimex.comReyes Campello Estebaranz, James W Dabney, Gerald M LevineX

Panelists Citing:

Neil Brown1
Antony Gold1
Matthew S Harris1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
lambo.com2022-08-03Automobili Lamborghini S P ADomain Administrator See Privacyguardian Org Richard BlairAntony Gold, Neil Brown, Matthew S HarrisTransfer with dissenting opinionWIPO D2022-1570