Panelist Research: Charles E Miller

Decision Report (Total: 8)

Solo Results (8)

Group Results (0)

Decisions by Year Solo

Decisions by Year Group

Panelists Served With

Name Total

Citations Used

As a Solo Panelist

D2000-00036Andrew F ChristieTelstra v. Nuclear Marshmallowstelstra.orgTransfer
D2000-00044Mark PartridgeAmerican Vintage Wine Biscuits v. Shane Brownamericanvintage.comTransfer
D2000-07851Tony WilloughbyPharmacia Upjohn Ab v. Sol Meyerpharmaciamonsanto.comTransfer
D2000-01021Geert GlasNokia v. Ibcc A K A Nokiagirls Comnokiagirls.comCancellation
D2000-09391Michael D PalagePizza Hut v. Rjpizzahut.orgTransfer

As Part of a Three-Member Panel


Decisions Cited by Others

As a Solo Panelist

D2001-141612Charles E MillerExpedia v. Miles Pennellaexpediamortgage.comTransfer
D2001-09057Charles E MillerPacific Telesis Group v. John Lesterpacbellpark.comTransfer
D2001-13472Charles E MillerW L Gore Associates v. Bernie Barholomegoretexbags.comTransfer
D2001-09482Charles E MillerIngram Micro v. Rjingrammicro.orgTransfer

As Part of a Three-Member Panel
