Original Decision


Full case details for kiehlscn.com filed at WIPO(D2016-1721) under UDRP on 2016-10-06 by Lancome Parfums Beaute Et Compagniel Oreal with panelist Richard W Hill resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID23950
Domain(s):kiehlscn.com, lancame.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2016-10-06
Case No:D2016-1721
Panelists:Richard W Hill
Complainant Name:Lancome Parfums Beaute Et Compagniel Oreal
Complainant Locale:fr
Complainant Rep:Dreyfus Associa S France
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Din Montyunleng Mercyk
Respondent Locale:cn
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2015-0924L Oreal v. Haya Manamijpkerastase.netJohn R KeysX
D2015-1091L Oreal v. Privacy Protection Service Whoisproxy Ru Denis Mishinclarisonic.moscowNatasha LismanX
D2014-1944Lancome Parfums Et Beaute Cie v. He Penglancomes.netNicholas WestonX
D2010-0281Speedo Holdings B V v. John Smittmatthew Simmonsmiss Kathy Beckersonprogrammeraussiespeedoguy.comWilliam R TownsX
D2010-0603Laboratoire Garnier Et Compagnielancome Parfums Et Beaute Et Compagniel Oreal S A v. Cong Ty Co Phan Phununetgarniervietnam.comNayiri BoghossianX
D2010-1318L Oreal Sa v. Linchaojie Guangxi Nanning Idea Business Planning Colorealparisjapan.comJonathan AgmonX
D2008-0226Lancomeparfums Et Beaute Ciel Oreal v. 10 Sellingalancome.comManoel J Pereira Dos SantosX
D2008-1721L Oreal v. Whois Privacy Protection Service Tracey Johnsonblogloreal.comWarwick A RothnieX
D2006-0869Helena Rubinsteinlancome Parfums Et Beaute Ciel Oreal v. Spiral Matrixhelenarubinsteincosmetics.comIan BarkerX
D2005-0623Biothermlancome Parfums Et Beaute Ciel Oreal v. Unacibiothermcosmetics.comJonathan TurnerX
D2005-1336Cape Publications Des Moines Register And Tribune Co Gannett Co Gannett Satellite Information Network Media West Cpi Media West Dmr Media West Gmp Media West Gsi Media West Npp Media West Pni Media West Pnj I v. Unasiarizonarepuplic.comDaniel J GervaisX
D2004-0659Sharman License Holdings v. Dustin Dorrance Dave Shullickeuclid Investmentskazaa-lite-downloads.comClive Duncan ThorneX
D2002-0775Wachovia v. Peter Carringtonwachovai.comCherise VallesX
D2001-0654Backstreet Productions v. John Zuccarinibacksreetboys.comDavid H Bernstein, Dennis A Foster, Gordon HarrisX
D2001-0729Archipelago Holdings v. Robert Aragon Creative Genius Domain Name Salesarca-ecn.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2000-0071Csa International Aka Canadian Standards Association v. Care Tech Industries John O Shannoncsa-canada.comDesmond J Ryan, Robert A Fashler, Philip L SbarbaroX

Panelists Citing:

Isabelle Leroux1
Emmanuelle Ragot1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
kiehls.boutique2021-07-12L OrealPrivacy Service Provided By Withheld For Privacy Ehf Khalid AjanEmmanuelle RagotTransferWIPO D2021-1636
c?c.com2018-09-29Confederation Nationale Du Credit Mutuelcredit Industriel Et CommercialCatherine Foralic O Whoistrustee Com Registrant Of Cicmobile Workspierre Carminati Sv GreisIsabelle LerouxTransferWIPO D2018-1164