Original Decision


Full case details for vente-pivee.com filed at WIPO(D2015-2166) under UDRP on 2016-01-20 by Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L with panelist Anne Virginie La Spada Gaide resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID26451
Domain(s):vente-pivee.com, ventepriveee.com, vente-rpivee.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2016-01-20
Case No:D2015-2166
Panelists:Anne Virginie La Spada Gaide
Complainant Name:Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L
Complainant Locale:
Complainant Rep:
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Xl Liu
Respondent Locale:
Respondent Rep:
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2015-0104Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L v. Lin Yanxiaowwwvente-privee.comPhilippe GillieronX
D2014-0415Michelin Recherche Et Technique S A v. Jaz Azula Genesis Mediabggoodrich.comArchibald FindlayX
D2014-0796Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L v. Whois Agent Gustavo Winchestervente-priv�.comFlip PetillionX
D2013-0691Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L v. Whois Privacy Services Dzone Yeonju Hongventepriveecom.comDaniel KrausX
D2013-1579Van Cleef Arpels Sa v. Above Com Domain Privacy Transure Enterprisevancleefarpel.comEduardo MachadoX
D2012-2328Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L v. Above Com Domain Privacy Host Master Transure Enterprisecdrostandvente-privee.comFrancois DessemontetX
D2009-1199F Hoffmann La Roche Ag v. James Leexenicalsideeffects.infoTobias ZuberbuehlerX
D2007-1138Mastercard Internationalorporated v. Keyword Marketingmastercardprepaid.comAmarjit SinghX
D2006-1050Mastercard Internationalorporated v. Eric Hochbergermastercard-offers.comLawrence K NodineX

Panelists Citing:

Benoit Van Asbroeck2
Elise Dufour1
Michael A R Bernasconi1
Christian Pirker1
Geert Glas1
Warwick A Rothnie1

Cases Citing (Latest):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
veepeemaroc.com2021-06-21Vente Privee ComContact Privacy Customer 1249068169 Contact Privacy Customer 1249068169 El BennajiElise DufourTransferWIPO D2021-1347
venteprive.net2019-08-12Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R LPeng HuMichael A R BernasconiTransferWIPO D2019-1246
fr-venteprivee.com2018-09-25Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R LPrivacy Customer 0150839799 Milen RadumiloChristian PirkerTransferWIPO D2018-1751
bishares.org2018-08-22BlackrockXl LiuWarwick A RothnieTransferWIPO D2018-1417
ente-privee.com2017-12-07Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R LContact Privacy Customer 0145729438 Milen Radumilo Milen RadumiloGeert GlasTransferWIPO D2017-1918
bkcreditmutuel.pro2017-08-09Confederation Nationale Du Credit MutuelWhoisguard Protected Whoisguard Justo Adjatan Veau DorBenoit Van AsbroeckTransferWIPO D2017-0999
vebteprivee.com2016-08-08Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R LDomain AdminBenoit Van AsbroeckTransferWIPO D2016-1061