Original Decision


Full case details for vente-privè.com filed at WIPO(D2014-0796) under UDRP on 2014-07-18 by Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L with panelist Flip Petillion resulted in a Transfer decision.

UDRP.Tools ID27264
Domain(s):vente-privè.com, vente-privve.com
Decision Outcome:Transfer
Decision Date:2014-07-18
Case No:D2014-0796
Panelists:Flip Petillion
Complainant Name:Vente Privee Comvente Privee Com Ip S A R L
Complainant Locale:
Complainant Rep:
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Whois Agent Gustavo Winchester
Respondent Locale:
Respondent Rep:
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
D2012-2532Credit Du Nord v. Laurent Deltortbanque-kolb-online.comAlexandre NappeyX
D2011-1978Ints It Is Not The Same Dba Desigual v. Two B Seller Estelle Belouzarddesigual-vip.comFlip PetillionX
D2009-0776Aspen Holdings v. Rick Natsch Potrero Mediafirstquote.orgWilliam R TownsX
D2009-1281Spontin Sa v. A Consumer Service Mutuwebsig Services Com Web Servicesspontin.bizFlip PetillionX
D2007-1756Vente Privee Com v. Charbonnier Huguesventz-privee.comChristiane Feral SchuhlX
D2006-1052Control Techniques v. Lektronix C O A E Jones Managing Directorcontroltechniques-repairs.comNeil BrownX
D2005-1094Champion Innovations v. Udo Dussling 45fhhchampioninnovation.comDavid H BernsteinX
D2004-0110Belupo D D v. Wachem D O Obelupo.comMadeleine De Cock BuningX
D2004-0816Wal Mart Stores v. Longowww-wal-mart.comJoseph DalbyX
D2004-1039Lexar Media v. Michael Huanglexamedia.comKiyoshi TsuruX
D2004-1069Longs Drug Stores California v. Shep Dogwwwlongs.comPaul E MasonX
D2003-0455Croatia Airlines D D v. Modern Empire Internetcroatiaairlines.comHub J HarmelingX
D2003-0707Yurtici Kargo Servisi A S v. Yurticicargo Yurticikargoyurticicargo.comHarini NarayanswamyX
D2003-0994Ross Simons v. Domain Contactross-imons.comJames A BarkerX
D2001-0763Myer Stores v. David John Singhmyeronline.comAlan LimburyX
D2000-0003Telstra v. Nuclear Marshmallowstelstra.orgAndrew F ChristieX

Panelists Citing:

Matthew Kennedy2
Michael A R Bernasconi1
Flip Petillion1
Daniel Kraus1
J Nelson Landry1
Anne Virginie La Spada Gaide1

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ccitco.com2019-11-03The Citco GroupLi LinMatthew KennedyTransferWIPO D2019-2287
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