Original Decision


Full case details for tãªtu.com filed at NAF(874447) under UDRP on 2007-02-19 by Damien Persohn C O Cppd Sas Ta Tu with panelist Daniel B Banks resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID15891
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2007-02-19
Case No:874447
Panelists:Daniel B Banks
Complainant Name:Damien Persohn C O Cppd Sas Ta Tu
Complainant Locale:fr
Complainant Rep:None
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Joshua Lim C O Webxel Consulting Pte
Respondent Locale:cn
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
823231Miller Products Company v. Marc Grozingeroldeenglish800.comKendall C ReedX
713851Thermo Electron And Fisher Scientific Co And Fisher Scientific Int L v. Charlie Xuthermofisherscientific.comJacques A LegerX
621292Wal Mart Stores v. Power Of Choice Holding Cowallmartwholesale1.comJohn J UpchurchX
198969Wells Fargo Company v. Onlyneorate Services11welsfargo.comPaul A DorfX
198805Disney Enterprises v. Nicolas Noeleuro-disney.comSandra J FranklinX
180628J W Spear Sons v. Fun League Managementscrabblemania.comClive L ElliottX
123933G D Searle Co v. Celebrex Drugstorecelebrex-drugstore.comJames A CraryX
117330Isleworth Land Company v. Lost In Space Saisleworthcountryclub.comSandra J FranklinX
102843William E Strum v. Nordic Net Exchange Abnetx.comRichard W HillX
96554General Media Communications v. Vine Entpenthaus.comHarold KalinaX

Panelists Citing:

Charles K Mccotter70
Karl V Fink60
Sandra J Franklin59
Terry F Peppard58
James Carmody58
Tyrus R Atkinson58
John J Upchurch54
Ralph Yachnin51
Bruce E Meyerson46
Carolyn Marks Johnson43
Harold Kalina39
Paul A Dorf31
Louis E Condon28
Houston Putnam Lowry18
Paul M Decicco9
Neil Brown8
James A Crary7
Flip Petillion4
David E Sorkin4
Carol Stoner3
Nelson A Diaz3
Hugues G Richard3
Reinhard Schanda3
Debrett Gordon Lyons3
Anne Wallace2
G Gervaise Davis2
Timothy O Leary2
Hector Ariel Manoff2
Ho Hyun Nahm2
Richard W Hill2
Kenneth L Port2
Jeffrey M Samuels2
Robert T Pfeuffer2
Dawn Osborne2
Charles A Kuechenmeister2
M Kelly Tillery1
Nathalie Dreyfus1
Nicholas Smith1
Linda M Byrne1
James Bridgeman1
Petter Rindforth1
Mark Mccormick1
David S Safran1
Daniel B Banks1
Christopher S Gibson1
David H Tatham1
Ian Barker1
Eduardo Machado1
Diane Thilly Cabell1
Michael A Albert1
Darryl C Wilson1
Maninder Singh1
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