95095 | 199 | James Carmody | Vertical Solutions Management v. Webnet Marketing | vsm.com | Transferred |
139720 | 84 | James A Crary | Tercent v. Lee Yi | tercent.com | Transferred |
96209 | 76 | Theodore R Kupferman, Irving H Perluss, Karl V Fink | Gallup v. Amish Country Store | galluppoll.com | Transferred |
221171 | 63 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Innomed Technologies v. Drp Services | nasalaire.com | Transferred |
118277 | 61 | James Carmody | G D Searle Co v. Martin Marketing | viagra-xenical-celebrex-propecia-meridia-zyban.com | Transferred |
96949 | 51 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Rmo v. Andy Burbidge | rmo.com | Claim Denied |
94864 | 44 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Southern Exposure v. Southern Exposure | southernexposure.net | Transferred |
198803 | 43 | Irving H Perluss | Vivendi Universal Games And Davidson Associates v. Xbnetventures | blizzardgames.com | Transferred |
117861 | 42 | Charles K Mccotter | The Men S Wearhouse v. Brian Wick Dba Defaultdata Com | suitwarehouse.com | Claim Denied |
127708 | 41 | James Carmody | Kmart Of Michigan v. Azra Khan | bigkmart.com | Transferred |
95312 | 36 | James P Buchele | Perot Systems v. Perot Net | perot.net | Transferred |
93668 | 35 | James Carmody | America Online v. Tencent Communications | oicq.com | Transferred |
95284 | 30 | James Carmody | Drs Foster Smith v. Jaspreet Lalli | drfostersmith.com | Transferred |
157321 | 29 | Hugues G Richard | Computerized Security Systems D B A Saflok v. Bennie Hu | saflock.com | Transferred |
102724 | 28 | Ralph Yachnin | Hannover Ruckversicherungs Aktiengesellschaft v. Hyungki Ryu | hannoverre.com | Transferred |
180704 | 25 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Bank Of America v. Northwest Free Community Access | ebankofamerica.com | Transferred |
198805 | 24 | Sandra J Franklin | Disney Enterprises v. Nicolas Noel | euro-disney.com | Transferred |
123933 | 24 | James A Crary | G D Searle Co v. Celebrex Drugstore | celebrex-drugstore.com | Transferred |
94313 | 22 | James P Buchele | Samsonite v. Colony Holding | samsonite.org | Transferred |
118313 | 22 | Charles K Mccotter | Orange Glo International v. Jeff Blume | oxiclean.us | Transferred |
96356 | 21 | James Carmody | Broadcom v. Intellifone | broadcom2000.com | Transferred |
129120 | 21 | John J Upchurch | American Express Company v. Fang Suhendro Aka American Express Indonesia | americanexpressrewards.com | Transferred |
95762 | 21 | Louis E Condon | Victoria S Secret Et Al v. John Zuccarini Dba Cupcake Patrol Cupcake Party And Country Walk | victoriasecretmodels.com | Transferred |
124506 | 20 | Irving H Perluss | Digi International v. Ddi Systems | digidis.com | Transferred |
132439 | 19 | James Carmody | Tm Acquisition v. Sign Guards Aka William Moore | century21alabama.com | Transferred |
96466 | 18 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Brown Bigelow v. Bostjan Rodela | hoylecasino.net | Transferred |
117330 | 18 | Sandra J Franklin | Isleworth Land Company v. Lost In Space Sa | isleworthcountryclub.com | Transferred |
206396 | 17 | Charles K Mccotter | America West Airlines v. Ilyoup Paik Aka David Sanders | awvacations.com | Transferred |
208629 | 16 | James Carmody | American University v. Richard Cook | allamericanuniversity.us | Transferred |
96577 | 16 | Ralph Yachnin | Vapor Blast Mfg Co v. R S Technologies | vaporblast.net | Transferred |
95248 | 16 | James Carmody | Tuxedos By Rose v. Hector Nunez | rosetuxedo.com | Transferred |
153545 | 16 | Sandra J Franklin | Gardline Surveys v. Domain Finance | gardline.com | Transferred |
95685 | 16 | Harold Kalina | American Anti Vivisection Society v. Infa Dot Net Web Services | aavs.org | Transferred |
741828 | 15 | Michael A Albert | Hanna Barbera Productions v. Entertainment Commentaries | hannabarbera.com | Transferred |
721969 | 15 | Richard Disalle | Zee Tv Usa v. Aamir Siddiqi C O Dotcorner Com | zeecinema.com | Transferred |
198959 | 15 | Bruce E Meyerson, M Kelly Tillery, Ralph Yachnin | The Coryn Group And Am Resorts v. Media Insight | secretscapri.com | Transferred |
198969 | 15 | Paul A Dorf | Wells Fargo Company v. Onlyneorate Services11 | welsfargo.com | Transferred |
96694 | 15 | James Carmody | Victoria S Secret Et Al v. Sherry Hardin | bodybyvictoria.com | Transferred |
156716 | 15 | Sandra J Franklin | Weddingchannel Com v. Andrey Vasiliev Aka Na And Free Domains Parking | weddingchanel.com | Transferred |
97044 | 14 | Ralph Yachnin | Great Plains Metromall v. Gene Creach | greatplainsmall.com | Transferred |
205699 | 14 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Wells Fargo Company v. Ling Shun Shing | fellsfargo.com | Transferred |
361190 | 14 | James A Crary | Broadcom v. Ibecom | ebroadcom.com | Transferred |
173369 | 14 | Jeffrey M Samuels | Ian Schrager Hotels L L C Beach Hotel Associates v. Jay Taylor | paramounthotelnewyork.com | Transferred |
102715 | 14 | John J Upchurch | Ameritrade Holdings And Ameritrade v. Polanski | ameritade.com | Transferred |
158254 | 13 | James Carmody | Health Devices Doc Johnson Enterprises v. Aspen S T C | doc-johnson-sextoys.com | Transferred |
93761 | 13 | Robert S Brandt, Paul M Decicco, Theodore R Kupferman | Twentieth Century Fox Film v. David A Risser | foxfashion.com | Split Decision |
699652 | 13 | David P Miranda | The Braun v. Wayne Loney | imsminivan.com | Split Decision |
94730 | 12 | Theodore R Kupferman | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Try Harder Company | statfarm.com | Transferred |
104580 | 11 | Richard Disalle | Dlj Long Term Investment v. Bargaindomainnames Com | dlj.org | Transferred |
135012 | 11 | Ralph Yachnin | Bank Of America v. Bill Mccall | bankofamericacom.com | Transferred |
97035 | 11 | James P Buchele | Tm Acquisition v. Carroll | erarealty.com | Transferred |
917029 | 11 | James A Crary, G Gervaise Davis, Bruce E Meyerson | Elenie Reese v. Eddie Morgan | lilpunk.com | Transferred |
93554 | 11 | Irving H Perluss | Big Dog Holdings Big Dog Sportswear v. Red River Farms | bigdog.com | Transferred |
95404 | 10 | James P Buchele | L L Bean v. Shopstarnetwork | shoppllbean.com | Transferred |
135608 | 10 | John J Upchurch | H D Michigan v. Petersons Automobile Aka Larry Petersons | harleyfanclub.com | Transferred |
201976 | 10 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Associated Newspapers v. Domain Manager | mailonsunday.com | Transferred |
873143 | 10 | Louis E Condon | Metropolitan Life Insurance Company v. Robert Bonds | metropolitanlife.us | Transferred |
96102 | 10 | Ralph Yachnin | Lubbock Radio Paging v. Venture Tele Messaging | lubbockradiopaginservice.com | Transferred |
99657 | 10 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Oregon State Bar v. A Special Day | oregonstatebar.tv | Transferred |
112629 | 10 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | The Black Decker v. Clinical Evaluations | blackandecker.com | Transferred |
154531 | 10 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Bank Of America v. Out Island Properties | bancamericaairports.com | Transferred |
145227 | 10 | Charles K Mccotter | Disney Enterprises v. Dot Stop | disneycard.com | Transferred |
95288 | 9 | Karl V Fink | State Fair Of Texas v. Granbury Com | bigtex.net | Transferred |
203126 | 9 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Gardens Alive v. D S Linx | my-seasons.com | Transferred |
95162 | 9 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Hartford Fire Insurance Company v. Webdeal Com | thehartfordfunds.com.hartfordfunds.com | Transferred |
190613 | 9 | James Carmody | Zone Labs v. John Zuccarini Dba The Cupcake Patrol | zonelarm.com | Transferred |
144647 | 9 | Paul A Dorf | Wells Fargo Company v. Party Night And Peter Carrington | wellssfargo.com | Transferred |
126829 | 9 | Ralph Yachnin | G D Searle Co v. Robin Cimock | celebrexrx.com | Transferred |
95314 | 9 | James Carmody | The Caravan Club v. Mrgsale | thecaravanclub.com | Transferred |
204063 | 9 | John J Upchurch | Nevada State Bank v. Modern Cayman Web Development Aka Administrator Domain | nevadastatebank.com | Transferred |
740335 | 9 | Daniel B Banks | M Shanken Communications v. Worldtravelersonline Com | cigaraficionada.com | Transferred |
95650 | 9 | James Carmody | Luck S Music Library v. Stellar Artist Management | lucksmusiclibrary.com | Transferred |
135008 | 8 | Charles K Mccotter | Clear Channel Communications v. Beaty Enterprises | wkgr.com | Transferred |
93679 | 8 | Irving H Perluss | America Online v. Avrasya Yayincilik Danismanlik | americaonline.net | Transferred |
680624 | 8 | Reinhard Schanda | Allianz Of America v. Lane Bond | allianzfinance.biz | Transferred |
198898 | 8 | Peter L Michaelson, Ralph Yachnin, P Jay Hines | United States Office Of Personnel Management v. Ms Technology | usajobs.com | Transferred |
914943 | 8 | Daniel B Banks | Trip Network Dba Cheap Tickets v. Sigfredo Alviera | cheapticketscancun.com | Transferred |
384834 | 8 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Paisley Park Enterprises v. James Lawson | paisleyparkstudios.com | Transferred |
768859 | 8 | Reinhard Schanda | Instron v. Andrew Kaner C O Electromatic Aka Electromatic Equip T | shoredurometer.com | Transferred |
152457 | 8 | Charles K Mccotter | U S Franchise Systems v. Thurston Howell Iii | microtels.com | Transferred |
175201 | 8 | John J Upchurch | Dermalogica And International Dermal Institute v. Domains To Develop | dermatalogica.com | Transferred |
203177 | 7 | Louis E Condon | Travant Solutions v. Don Cole | travant.com | Transferred |
187431 | 7 | Ralph Yachnin | Qwest Communications International v. Ling Shun Shing | qwestwirless.com | Transferred |
95083 | 7 | James Carmody | Hewlett Packard Company v. High Performance Networks | surestore.com | Transferred |
204147 | 7 | Charles K Mccotter | Tm Acquisition v. Tim Warren | century21realty.biz | Transferred |
94385 | 7 | Harold Kalina | Ethnicgrocer Com v. Unlimited Latin Flavors | ethnicgrocers.com | Transferred |
203164 | 7 | Harold Kalina | Glaxo Group v. Www Zban C O David Glenmore | wwwzyban.com | Transferred |
874447 | 7 | Daniel B Banks | Damien Persohn C O Cppd Sas Ta Tu v. Joshua Lim C O Webxel Consulting Pte | tãªtu.com | Transferred |
196119 | 7 | Paul A Dorf, Irving H Perluss, Richard B Wickersham | Amazon Com v. Ed Shafir | amazonfurniture.com | Transferred |
198795 | 7 | Sandra J Franklin | Seiko Kabushiki Kaisha Dba Seiko v. Cs Into Tech | seiko.net | Transferred |
92976 | 7 | Frank Wilkins | Fishtech v. Ifc Richard Rossiter | fishtech.com | Transferred |
96967 | 6 | James Carmody | Little Six Mystic Casino Hotel v. Domain For Sale A K A Anatoly Polishchuk | mysticlake.net | Transferred |
95407 | 6 | Jonathan Hudis | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Douglas Lafaive | statefarm-claimshelp.com | Transferred |
95410 | 6 | James Carmody | Espn v. Danny Ballerini | espnclassic.com | Transferred |
96261 | 6 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Bloomberg L P v. G Sandhu | bloombergmoney.tv | Transferred |
877982 | 6 | David S Safran | Tesco Personal Finance v. Domain Management Services C Oorate Management | tesco-finance.com | Transferred |
95465 | 6 | James P Buchele | Dr Karl Albrecht v. Eric Natale | karlalbrecht.com | Transferred |
241972 | 6 | Charles K Mccotter | Juno Online Services v. Carl Nelson | billing-juno.com | Transferred |
106084 | 6 | Harold Kalina | Google v. Jon G | googel.com | Transferred |
156251 | 6 | James Carmody | American International Group v. Walter Busby Dba Aig Mergers And Acquisitions | aig-ma.com | Transferred |
143684 | 6 | Charles K Mccotter | The American National Red Cross v. Domains Aka Best Domains Aka John Barry | redcrosspharmacy.com | Transferred |
103042 | 6 | Unknown | Gene Logic v. Cho Kyu Bock | genelogic.biz | Transferred |
94384 | 6 | Harold Kalina | Ethnicgrocer Com v. Latingrocer Com | ethnicgrocery.com | Transferred |
109031 | 6 | Charles K Mccotter | America Online v. World Photo Video Imaging | aolcamera.com | Transferred |
93670 | 6 | Louis E Condon | Marriott International v. Cafe Au Lait | marriott-hotel.com | Transferred |
112596 | 6 | Karl V Fink | Valspar Sourcing v. Tigre | paint.biz | Transferred |
349074 | 6 | Paul A Dorf | The Vanguard Group v. Alvaro Collazo | vanugard.com | Transferred |
94454 | 6 | Gilbert T Cave | Hewlett Packard Company v. John Zuccarini | hewlitpackard.com | Transferred |
660685 | 5 | Louis E Condon | Intel v. M Macare Aka M Macar | pentium-extreme.com | Transferred |
135016 | 5 | Charles K Mccotter | Nike v. Ben Dias | nikebats.com | Transferred |
944330 | 5 | James Carmody | Whitney National Bank v. Easynet C O Customer Services Department | whitneynationalbankers.com | Transferred |
97075 | 5 | Ralph Yachnin | Belkin Components v. Daniel Gallant | belken.com | Transferred |
269166 | 5 | Sandra J Franklin | Honeywell International v. Domain Deluxe | honyewell.com | Transferred |
568350 | 5 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Kahn Development Company v. Realtyproshop Com C O Carl Krause | villageatsandhill.com | Transferred |
916991 | 5 | Michael A Albert, Houston Putnam Lowry, Ralph Yachnin | Jerry Damson v. Texas International Property Associates | jerrydamsonacura.com | Transferred |
991075 | 5 | Harold Kalina | Expedia v. Elia Tan | rexpedia.com | Transferred |
103879 | 5 | James P Buchele | Compaq Information Technologies Group L P v. Seocho | compq.com | Transferred |
96542 | 5 | James Carmody | Victoria S Secret Et Al v. Asdak | victoriasecretcasino.com | Transferred |
116765 | 5 | Dennis A Foster | Creative Curb v. Edgetec International | creativecurb.com | Claim Denied |
96882 | 5 | Ralph Yachnin | Westjet Air Center v. West Jets | westjets.com | Transferred |
320379 | 5 | Sandra J Franklin | Hope Worldwide v. Jeniper Jin | hope-worldwide.org | Transferred |
165155 | 5 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Ltd Commodities v. Party Night Aka Peter Carrington | ltdcommadities.com | Transferred |
571918 | 5 | Robert T Pfeuffer | Morgan Stanley v. Edward Fitz James Ct2341 Rsc Cititrust Group | morganstanley.law.pro | Transferred |
95262 | 5 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | The J Paul Getty Trust v. Domain 4 Sale Company | gettymuseum.com | Transferred |
133626 | 5 | Paul A Dorf | Avery Dennison v. Ray Steele Dba Mercian Labels And Selfadhesivelabels Com | averylabels.com | Transferred |
94321 | 5 | R Glen Ayers | Mrs World Pageants v. Crown Promotions | mrsworld.net | Transferred |
95464 | 5 | Karl V Fink | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Kyle Northway | statefarmnews.com | Transferred |
103059 | 5 | Charles K Mccotter | National Academy Of Recording Arts Sciences v. Lsites | grammy.biz | Transferred |
96263 | 5 | Ralph Yachnin | National Geographic Society v. Stonybrook Investments | nationalgeographics.com | Transferred |
881234 | 5 | Linda M Byrne | St Lawrence University v. Nextnet Tech C O Domain Dept | stlawu.com | Transferred |
190644 | 5 | Charles K Mccotter | Golden Bear International v. Kangdeock Ho | nicklausgolf.com | Transferred |
95291 | 5 | Louis E Condon | Intest v. Servicepoint | testdesign.com | Transferred |
95541 | 5 | James Carmody | North Coast Medical v. Allegro Medical | northcoastmedical.com | Transferred |
595972 | 5 | Richard B Wickersham | Stellar Call Centres v. Jonathan Bahr T A Anabolicaces | stellarcallcentres.com | Transferred |
289304 | 5 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Capital One Financial And Capital One Bank v. Austin Howel | capitalonebank.biz | Transferred |
94738 | 5 | James A Crary | National Cable Satellite v. Black Sun Surf Co | cspan.net | Transferred |
175292 | 5 | Paul A Dorf | Indymac Bank F S B v. Ted Ebeyer Indymax | indymax.com | Transferred |
95169 | 5 | James Carmody | Great Southern Wood Preserving v. Tfa Associates | greatsouthernwood.com | Transferred |
95092 | 4 | James Carmody | Bank Of America v. Intermos | wwwbankofamerica.com | Transferred |
101536 | 4 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Monsanto Company v. Decepticons | monsantos.com | Transferred |
105211 | 4 | Sandra J Franklin | The Rittenhouse Development Company v. Domains For Sale | therittenhousehotel.com | Transferred |
128684 | 4 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Target Brands v. Bealo Group S A | targetstore.net | Transferred |
127717 | 4 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Yahoo v. Web Master A K A Medgo | yahgo.com | Transferred |
874152 | 4 | Sandra J Franklin | Lockheed Martin v. Jeff Hoffman | nuanceskunkworks.com | Transferred |
915206 | 4 | Darryl C Wilson | David Hall Rare Coins v. Texas International Property Associates | davidhallrarecoins.com | Transferred |
95396 | 4 | James Carmody | Computer Doctor Franchise Systems v. The Computer Doctor | computerdoctor.com | Transferred |
95235 | 4 | Harold Kalina | Cream Pie Club v. Brittany Halford | creampies.com | Transferred |
115349 | 4 | Richard B Wickersham | Quality Custom Cabinetry v. Cabinet Wholesalers | qualitycustomcabinetry.com | Transferred |
199821 | 4 | Charles K Mccotter | America Online v. Gary Clowers Sr | compuserverefundrecovery.com | Transferred |
187429 | 4 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | 24 Hour Fitness Usa v. 24hournames Com Quality Domains For Sale | 24hrsfitness.com | Transferred |
686103 | 4 | Calvin A Hamilton | Disney Enterprises v. Paul Kudrna C O The Finest Group | finestdisneyhomes.com | Transferred |
140454 | 4 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Mra Holding v. Costnet | girlsgonwild.com | Transferred |
713851 | 4 | Jacques A Leger | Thermo Electron And Fisher Scientific Co And Fisher Scientific Int L v. Charlie Xu | thermofisherscientific.com | Transferred |
146930 | 4 | Petter Rindforth | America Online v. Anytime Online Traffic School | aoltrafficschool.com | Claim Denied |
95784 | 4 | Roger Kerans | Household International v. Cyntom Enterprises | householdbank.com | Transferred |
95391 | 4 | Harold Kalina | Dolar Rent A Car Systems v. Lee Jongho | dollarcar.net | Transferred |
195683 | 4 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Ultimate Electronics v. Jason Nichols Aka Ultimateelectronic | ultimateelectronics.net | Transferred |
94380 | 4 | Harold Kalina | Bama Rags v. Cupcake Confidential | davemattewsband.com | Transferred |
137223 | 4 | Charles K Mccotter | The Black Decker v. Azra Khan | wwwdewalt.com | Transferred |
146621 | 4 | Charles K Mccotter | Vivendi Universal Games And Davidson Associates v. Ronald A Ballard | blizzardnorth.net | Transferred |
103186 | 4 | G Gervaise Davis, Milton L Mueller, Charles A Kuechenmeister | Pocatello Idaho Auditorium District v. Ces Marketing Group Ado Ces Marketing Group | pocatello.com | Claim Denied |
154119 | 4 | James Carmody | Pioneer Hi Bred International v. Henry Chan | pioneerseed.com | Transferred |
245960 | 4 | Paul A Dorf | Juno Online Services v. Roberto Iza | my-juno.com | Transferred |
485933 | 4 | David A Einhorn | Vicorp Restaurants v. Anastasios Triantafillos | bakersquare.com | Transferred |
96554 | 4 | Harold Kalina | General Media Communications v. Vine Ent | penthaus.com | Transferred |
958542 | 4 | Carol Stoner | Asbury Automotive Group v. Texas International Property Associates | cogginacura.com | Transferred |
286993 | 4 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Google v. Dktbot Org Aka Dalok0kat Scripts | xgoogle.com | Transferred |
726010 | 4 | Flip Petillion | Red Hat v. Dave Haecke | redhat.org | Transferred |
94637 | 4 | Daniel B Banks | Hewlett Packard Company v. Full System S A S | openmail.com | Transferred |
95326 | 4 | Herman D Michels | Espn v. Mysportcenter Com | mysportscenter.com | Transferred |
96578 | 4 | John J Upchurch | Snow Fun v. James O Connor | termquote.com | Transferred |
125368 | 4 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Paws Orporated v. John Zuccarini Aka Country Walk | garfeild.com | Transferred |
95828 | 3 | Ralph Yachnin | Fao Schwarz v. John Zuccarini | faoscwartz.com | Transferred |
204148 | 3 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | America Online v. Sandie Kloszewski Dba Pink Domain | aol-8plus.com | Transferred |
110830 | 3 | Richard W Hill | Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag v. Bavarian Ag | bmwkc.com | Claim Denied |
96613 | 3 | R Glen Ayers | Down East Enterprise v. Countywide Communications | downeastmagazine.com | Transferred |
210302 | 3 | Ralph Yachnin | Daedong Usa Kioti Tractor Division v. O Bryan Implement Sales | kioti.com | Transferred |
692150 | 3 | G Gervaise Davis, David P Miranda, Reinhard Schanda | Charles Letts Co v. Citipublications | lettsoflondon.com | Transferred |
155461 | 3 | John J Upchurch | Yoga Works v. Jenna Arpita Dba Shanti Yoga Works | shantiyogaworks.com | Transferred |
153626 | 3 | Paul A Dorf | Weatherford International v. Paul Wells | wellserv.com | Claim Denied |
153541 | 3 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Mcclatchy Management Services v. Please Don T Kill Your Baby Aka William And Mark Purdy Ii Willaim S Purdy | startribunes.com | Transferred |
180703 | 3 | Richard B Wickersham | America Online v. Advanced Membership Services | gayaol.com | Transferred |
973506 | 3 | Richard Disalle | Towmaster v. Dale Hale | bigtow.com | Transferred |
93766 | 3 | Robert Merhige | America Online v. Idomainnames Com | go2aol.com | Transferred |
105755 | 3 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Bpi Communications And Vnu Business Media v. Boogie Tv | billboard.tv | Transferred |
96193 | 3 | Irving H Perluss | Phat Fashions v. Kevin Kruger | phattpharm.com | Transferred |
672161 | 3 | Richard B Wickersham | Myspace v. Myspace Bot | myspacebot.com | Transferred |
128652 | 3 | James Carmody | Winmark Play It Again Sports v. Inthezone A K A Giant Sports Factory | playitagainsport.com | Transferred |
102970 | 3 | Charles K Mccotter | The Pillsbury Company v. Prebaked Scandinavia Ab | bakeoff.biz | Transferred |
877979 | 3 | Beatrice Onica Jarka | Microsoft v. Domain Registration Philippines | microssoft.com | Transferred |
154098 | 3 | James A Crary | Mothers Against Drunk Driving v. Hyun Jun Shin | madd.com | Transferred |
913881 | 3 | Bruce E O Connor | Semco Productions v. Dmg World Media Uk C O John Branigan | atlhomeshow.com | Claim Denied |
156839 | 3 | Harold Kalina | Diners Club International v. Domain Admin It S All In The Name | wwwdinersclub.com | Transferred |
117911 | 3 | Ralph Yachnin | G D Searle Co v. Fred Pelham | doctorslink-viagra-xenical-propecia-celebrex.com | Transferred |
520654 | 3 | Richard Disalle | Expedia v. Compaid | expediate.com | Transferred |
93562 | 3 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | v. | hewlittpackard.com | Transferred |
1089426 | 3 | David H Tatham, Dennis A Foster, Clive L Elliott | Domtar v. Joel Theriault | domtar.org | Transferred |
257901 | 3 | Charles K Mccotter | American Express Company v. Mustneed Com | amextravel.com | Transferred |
681239 | 3 | Terry F Peppard | Aol v. Mark Interrante | aolgoogle.com | Transferred |
96189 | 3 | Harold Kalina | Wellness International Network v. Apostolics Com | wellness-international.com | Transferred |
142318 | 3 | P Jay Hines | S A Bendheim Co v. Hollander Glass | restorationglass.com | Transferred |
102971 | 3 | Charles K Mccotter | Credit Suisse Group On Behalf Of Winterthur Insurance v. Pal Ex Kft | winterthur.biz | Transferred |
914854 | 3 | Sandra J Franklin | American Airlines v. Texas International Property Associates | redeemaamiles.com | Transferred |
94381 | 3 | Harold Kalina | Bama Rags v. John Zuccarini | davemathewsband.com | Transferred |
155902 | 3 | Harold Kalina | Mcclatchy Management Services v. Peter Carrington Aka Party Night | startribun.com | Transferred |
176541 | 3 | John J Upchurch | The Sports Authority Michigan v. Batu 5 | thesports-authority.com | Transferred |
198031 | 3 | Clive L Elliott | Hale Products v. Hart International | jawsoflife.com | Transferred |
103043 | 3 | Sandra J Franklin | William L Lyon Associates v. Makoto Yata | lyon.biz | Transferred |
621292 | 3 | John J Upchurch | Wal Mart Stores v. Power Of Choice Holding Co | wallmartwholesale1.com | Transferred |
96206 | 3 | James Carmody | Paws Orporated v. Odie | odie.com | Transferred |
699645 | 3 | Michael A Albert | Bank Of American Fork v. Jinyang Shen | bankofamericanfork.com | Transferred |
918556 | 3 | Richard W Hill | Disney Enterprises v. Dayanand Kamble | disneycomics.com | Transferred |
492867 | 2 | Tyrus R Atkinson | The Gillette Company v. Rfk Associates | duracellbatteries.com | Transferred |
873137 | 2 | Bruce E O Connor, Diane Thilly Cabell, Petter Rindforth | Swedish Match Uk v. Admin Domain | swanweb.com | Transfer with dissenting opinion |
445601 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson, Peter L Michaelson, Tyrus R Atkinson | Dell v. Innervision Web Solutions C O Domain Registrar | dellcomputerssuck.com | Transferred |
128701 | 2 | John J Upchurch | Sony Kabushiki Kaisha Aka Sony v. Domain Rajadomain Yahoo Com 1 415 0 | sonyamerica.com | Transferred |
95856 | 2 | Peter L Michaelson | Treeforms v. Cayne Industrial Sales | treeforms.com | Transferred |
937704 | 2 | Flip Petillion | Williams Sonoma v. Kurt Fees C O K Fees | potterybarn.org | Transferred |
960409 | 2 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Martin H Meyerson v. Speedy Web | mhmeyerson.com | Transferred |
95234 | 2 | Harold Kalina | Armstrong Holdings v. Jaz Associates | armstrongholdings.com | Transferred |
830934 | 2 | Richard B Wickersham | Indymac Bank F S B v. Grant Eshback Emit Mortgage | emitmortgage.com | Transferred |
105890 | 2 | M Scott Donahey, James Carmody, Milton L Mueller | America Online v. Adrian Paul Miles Dba Ad2000d Com | aim5.com | Transferred |
949608 | 2 | Richard Disalle | Skyhawke Technologies v. The Tidewinds Group Aka Dns Admin | skycaddy.com | Transferred |
167964 | 2 | Dennis A Foster | Novell v. Taeho Kim | novellsolutions.com | Transferred |
128073 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Kevin Garnett v. Trap Block Technologies | kevingarnett.com | Transferred |
95859 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Sr Motorsports v. Rotary Performance | srmotorsports.com | Transferred |
204112 | 2 | Louis E Condon | Tmp International D B A Mcfarlane Toys v. Baker Enterprises | moviemaniacs.com | Transferred |
94424 | 2 | Daniel B Banks | Technology Properties v. Ralph Burris | radioshack.net | Transferred |
104579 | 2 | Estella S Gold | Baker Daniels v. Defaultdata Com | bakeranddaniels.com | Transferred |
102962 | 2 | M Kelly Tillery | Twentieth Century Fox Film v. Patricia Benstein | foxstudios.biz | Claim Denied |
511463 | 2 | Carol Stoner | Reebok International v. Motohisa Ohno | reebok.net | Transferred |
948436 | 2 | Terry F Peppard | Constellation Wines U S v. Texas International Property Associates | blackstonewine.com | Transferred |
203944 | 2 | Ralph Yachnin | Loreal Usa Creative v. Syncopate Com Smart Names For Startups C O Dns Services | kiels.com | Transferred |
94243 | 2 | Edmund P Karem | Youtv v. Mr Erkan Alemdar | youtv.net | Transferred |
677922 | 2 | Dennis A Foster | Velv v. Aae | arizonashuttle.net | Transferred |
94416 | 2 | Paul A Dorf | Bibbero Systems v. Tseu Associates Co Tslin Sons | bibbero.com | Transferred |
100182 | 2 | Harold Kalina | The Prudential Insurance Company Of America v. Stonybrook Investments | prudntial.com | Transferred |
102713 | 2 | Sandra J Franklin | Broadcom v. Robert Wirth | broadcommpc.com | Transferred |
95093 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Visit America v. Visit America | visitamerica.com | Transferred |
94908 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | American Airlines v. Data Art | americanairline.com | Transferred |
95247 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Harcourt v. Jeff Fadness | firerescuemagazine.com | Transferred |
836787 | 2 | John J Upchurch | Automotive Racing Products v. Linecom | arpfastener.com | Transferred |
881460 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Shana Hiatt v. Personal Fan Official Site Builders We Build Great Sites C O Zero Cost To You Contact To Build | shanahiatt.com | Transferred |
96815 | 2 | James A Crary | Desktop Media v. Desktop Media | desktopmedia.com | Claim Denied |
92525 | 2 | Robert Merhige | Fossil v. Nas | fossilwatch.com | Transferred |
114546 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | The Neiman Marcus Group v. Party Night | neimanmacus.com | Transferred |
921194 | 2 | Mark Mccormick | Toyota Sunnyvale v. Adfero Publishing Company | toyota-sunnyvale.com | Transferred |
964479 | 2 | Beatrice Onica Jarka | Aol v. Aim Profiles | aimprofiles.com | Transferred |
94344 | 2 | James A Crary, Robert Merhige, Nelson A Diaz | V Secret Catalogue Victoria S Secret Catalogue Victoria S Secret Stroes v. Internet Investment Fund Trust In Trust | victoriasecret.com | Transferred |
970871 | 2 | Robert A Fashler | Vance International v. Jason Abend | vancesecurity.com | Transferred |
102757 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Fluor v. Dongil Song | fluor.biz | Transferred |
198018 | 2 | James Carmody | Toyota Motor Sales U S A v. John Clelland | land-cruiser.com | Transferred |
100608 | 2 | James Carmody | Cyberimprints Com v. Mike Alberga | cyberimprints.com | Claim Denied |
126646 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Vivid Video v. Chris Tennaro Aka Vivid Revolution | vividrevolution.com | Transferred |
139718 | 2 | James P Buchele | Medline v. Domain Active | wwwmedline.com | Transferred |
142046 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Re Max International v. Seocho | wwwremax.com | Transferred |
726227 | 2 | James Carmody | Aol v. Itech Ent C O Joaquin Rams | theotheraol.com | Transferred |
146919 | 2 | James Carmody | The Buffalo News A Division Of Obh And Columbia Insurance Company v. John Barry Dba Bronx Consumer Fka Domains Or Best Domains | bufalonews.com | Transferred |
139660 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Intermark Media v. Wang Logic | freedebtsconsolidation.com | Claim Denied |
92016 | 2 | Harold Kalina | America Online v. Qtr | icqsms.com | Transferred |
697821 | 2 | Jeffrey M Samuels | T Mobile Usa v. Utahhealth | sidekickthree.com | Transferred |
156715 | 2 | Dennis A Foster | Molecular Nutrition v. Network News And Publications C O Dennis Baratta | molecularnutrition.com | Claim Denied |
758981 | 2 | Nelson A Diaz | Summit Group v. Lso | lifestylelounge-travel.com | Transferred |
137041 | 2 | James P Buchele | Rh Interactive Jobfinance v. Mooburi Services | jobfinance.com | Transferred |
150406 | 2 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Geoffrey v. Toyrus Com | toyrus.com | Transferred |
206399 | 2 | Tyrus R Atkinson | American International Group v. Ling Shun Shing | aigassurance.com | Transferred |
155133 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Seth Aurbach v. Kevin Saronski | nlphoto.com | Transferred |
917070 | 2 | David P Miranda | U S News World Report v. Lai Zhongqi | usnews.mobi | Transferred |
117028 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Totalfinaelf E P Usa v. Marilyn Farnes | tfelf.com | Claim Denied |
96265 | 2 | Ralph Yachnin | Volkswagen Of America v. Compugraphic | vwbeetles.com | Transferred |
967818 | 2 | Clive L Elliott | The Hershey Company Hershey Chocolate Confectionery And Hershey Canada v. R Reaves | chocolatekiss.com | Transferred |
873346 | 2 | Charles K Mccotter | Expedia v. Blake Emmerson | expidia.org | Transferred |
95641 | 1 | Karl V Fink | Cmg Worldwide v. Naughtya Page | princessdi.comprincessdiana.com | Transferred |
524752 | 1 | Hugues G Richard | Eastman Chemical Company v. Kumar Patel | eastman-chemical.com | Transferred |
190625 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Jeffrey P Thompson And Book Thongs v. Brigitta Zimmer Dba Skippin Stones | bookthong.com | Transferred |
444510 | 1 | Jonas Gulliksson | Marriott International v. Mcm Tours | arubamarriott.com | Transferred |
578631 | 1 | Karl V Fink | Zander Insurance Agency v. Whois Privacy Protection Service C O Whois Agent | zanderinsurance.com | Transferred |
133676 | 1 | James P Buchele | Graman Usa v. Shenzhen Graman Industrial Co | graman.com | Claim Denied |
405057 | 1 | Louis E Condon | Bill Clark v. Hinet | delphic.com | Transferred |
150786 | 1 | Harold Kalina | Xo Communications v. Xo Network Operations Center | xonoc.com | Transferred |
97076 | 1 | Nelson A Diaz, James A Crary, Ralph Yachnin | City Of Salinas v. Brian Baughn | cityofsalinas.com | Claim Denied |
543473 | 1 | Houston Putnam Lowry | United Service Organizations v. Tta Panama | usosandiego.com | Transferred |
128711 | 1 | James P Buchele | Broadcom v. Createmutex | broad-com.net | Transferred |
890812 | 1 | Louis E Condon | Kohler Co v. Thomas Curley | kohlerbaths.com | Transferred |
304784 | 1 | Jacques A Leger | Wave Industries v. Angler Supply | wavebaits.com | Split Decision |
183997 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Yahoo v. John Zuccarini Raveclub Berlin And Cupcake Patrol | yahooemal.com | Transferred |
109697 | 1 | Peter L Michaelson | L F P v. B And J Properties | hustlerstore.com | Transferred |
787983 | 1 | Houston Putnam Lowry | The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group And National Westminster Bank v. Nikita Soloviov | natwest-banks.com | Transferred |
214416 | 1 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide v. Srw Hotels Worldwide | srwhotels.com | Transferred |
105976 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Henry Ford Health System v. Domain For Sale | henryfordhospital.com | Transferred |
904239 | 1 | James Carmody, Joel M Grossman, David S Safran | Abt Electronics v. Gregory Ricks | abt.com | Transferred |
96586 | 1 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Northwest Airlines v. Cynthia Jorgenson | northwestairlines.org | Transferred |
102795 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Crazy Creek Products v. Siemen S Business Services | crazycreek.biz | Transferred |
220031 | 1 | David S Safran | Mo Media v. Next Age Technologies | gresecrets.com | Transferred |
732840 | 1 | Karl V Fink | Tetris Holding v. Id Prof Bv Aka S Blom | tetris.info | Transferred |
822980 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Pam Plesons v. Whoisguard C O Whoisguard Protected | familytravel.com | Transferred |
95835 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Teleplace v. Eileen De Oliveira | teleplace.org
theteleplace.com | Transferred |
95768 | 1 | James P Buchele | The Prudential Insurance Company Of America v. Douglas Irvine | prudentialonline.com | Transferred |
232958 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Google v. Raffaele Bassano | googlesex.info | Transferred |
543463 | 1 | James A Crary | United Service Organizations v. Joseph Walker | usorome.com | Transferred |
146945 | 1 | Robert T Pfeuffer | Mayers Enterprises 5dollarhosting Com v. 5 Dollar Hosting C O Zeeshan Ahmed | 5dollar-hosting.com | Transferred |
103878 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | U Haul International v. Steven Freed | ucalluhaul.com | Transferred |
96551 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin, David E Sorkin, James Carmody | Knight Ridder v. Cupcake Patrol A K A John Zuccarini | miamihearld.com | Split Decision with concurring and dissenting opinion |
1211556 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Diners Club International v. Domain Park | dinersperu.com | Transferred |
97051 | 1 | Bruce E Meyerson, Carolyn Marks Johnson, Diane Thilly Cabell | Business Architecture Group v. Reflex Publishing | bag.com | Claim Denied |
95688 | 1 | James P Buchele | Northwest Airlines v. Mario Koch | northwest-airlines.com | Transferred |
637920 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | The University Of Houston System v. Salvia | kuhf.com | Transferred |
233054 | 1 | John J Upchurch | The Saul Zaentz Company v. Greg Dodds | lordringstamps.com | Transferred |
942715 | 1 | David E Sorkin, Carolyn Marks Johnson, Anne Wallace | Gmac v. Whoisguard Protected | gmacfinancialservices.com | Transferred |
328159 | 1 | Barry Schreiber | America Online v. Edward Tapia | aol.tv | Transferred |
96685 | 1 | James Carmody | Hachette Filipacchi Presse v. Fortune Int L Development | elle2000.com | Transferred |
104980 | 1 | Karl V Fink | America Online v. David | mapquewst.com | Transferred |
124508 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | G D Searle Co v. Celebrex Cox 2 Vioxx Com | celebrex-cox-2-vioxx.com | Transferred |
1155839 | 1 | Alan Limbury, Sandra J Franklin, M Kelly Tillery | Game X Change v. Modern Empire Internet C O Administrator | gamexchange.com | Claim Denied |
117328 | 1 | James P Buchele | Dana v. This Domain Is For Sale Malibutv Aol Com | wwwdana.com | Transferred |
96854 | 1 | Harold Kalina | Broadcom v. Domain Depot | broadcomonline.com | Transferred |
547780 | 1 | Nelson A Diaz, Sandra J Franklin, Diane Thilly Cabell | Google v. Mosspot | googletalk.com | Transferred |
697818 | 1 | Darryl C Wilson | Disney Enterprises v. Jared Meyers Online Holdings | disneyparks.com | Transferred |
237452 | 1 | Paul A Dorf | Nature S Path Foods v. Natures Path | naturespathinc.com | Transferred |
565685 | 1 | Louis E Condon | Reebok International v. Shaydon Santos | rbklacrosse.com | Transferred |
101465 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Hewlett Packard Company v. Mike Rayne | hewlettpackardfax.com | Transferred |
1218779 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Sears Brand v. Domain Park | mysearsrewards.com | Transferred |
473826 | 1 | James Carmody | American Eagle Outfitters And Retail Royalty Company v. Admin C O Laporte Holdings | americaneaglestores.com | Transferred |
123886 | 1 | R Glen Ayers, James Carmody, G Gervaise Davis | Discover New England v. The Avanti Group | discovernewengland.com | Claim Denied |
93563 | 1 | Henry W Blizzard | America Online v. Netsbest | icqguide.com | Transferred |
114766 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Annette A Antoun Dba The Paxton Herald v. Truth Squad | paxtonheraldonline.com | Transferred |
170643 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | The National Abortion Federation v. Dom 4 Sale F K A Pro Life Domains A K A John Barry | nationalabortionfederation.com | Transferred |
1036138 | 1 | Flip Petillion | The Filmlot v. Material Insight C O Shelley Kuipers | filmlot.com | Transferred |
95857 | 1 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Robo Enterprises v. Orvin Tobiason | roboenterprises-investors.com | Transferred |
780200 | 1 | Kendall C Reed | Aol v. Jordan Gerberg | lotteryaol.com | Transferred |
96540 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Victoria S Secret Et Al v. Tri X Group | victoriasxxxsecrets.com | Transferred |
112435 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Defensive Driver Online v. Marco Publishing | defensivedriving.biz | Transferred |
198909 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Infospace v. Domains Asia Ventures | dogpileuk.com | Transferred |
95013 | 1 | James A Crary | Commercial Publishing Co v. Earthcomm | lawyerslist.com | Claim Denied |
1106369 | 1 | Bruce E Meyerson | American International Group v. Domain Adminstration C O William Vaughan | americangenerallifeinsurance.com | Transferred |
894477 | 1 | James Carmody | Artistic Pursuit v. Calcuttawebdevelopers Com | artisticpursuit.net | Transferred |
328127 | 1 | Louis E Condon | The Vanguard Group v. Iq Management | vangard.com | Transferred |
98067 | 1 | Linda M Byrne | Hunter Fan Company v. Mss | hunterfans.com | Transferred |
486191 | 1 | Calvin A Hamilton | Carey International v. Sima Sandler | careyglobal.com | Transferred |
128683 | 1 | James Carmody | The Neiman Marcus Group v. S1a | wwwneimanmarcus.com | Transferred |
95250 | 1 | Irving H Perluss | Pueblo International v. Pueblo On Line | pueblo.org | Claim Denied |
174052 | 1 | David S Safran | Mothers Against Drunk Driving v. Phix | madd.net | Transferred |
606124 | 1 | John J Upchurch | 24 Hour Fitness Usa v. Emkaydesign Dba Rob King | 24hourfamilyfitnesscenter.com | Transferred |
406512 | 1 | David H Bernstein | Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide v. Samjo Celltech | starwoods.com | Claim Denied |
140639 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Suburban Ostomy Supply Co v. Frederic Tremblay | suburbanostomy.com | Transferred |
109718 | 1 | Harold Kalina | Compaq Information Technologies Group L P v. Waterlooplein | compaq-broker.com | Transferred |
198809 | 1 | Richard B Wickersham | Sony Kabushiki Kaisha A T A Sony v. Mitch Anderson | sonyacadapter.com | Transferred |
96609 | 1 | John J Upchurch, Louis E Condon, Jordan S Weinstein | Weekley Homes L P v. Fix My House Or Else | davidweekleyhome.com | Transferred |
672160 | 1 | G Oo Baak | Myspace v. Junghu Kang | myspce.com | Transferred |
724554 | 1 | Richard B Wickersham | Classic Metal Roofs v. Interlock Industries | classicmetalroofing.com | Transferred |
114420 | 1 | Edward C Chiasson | L F P v. Charles Yarbrough | xxxbarelylegal.com | Transferred |
804924 | 1 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Vin Diesel v. Lmn Aka L M Nordell | vindiesel.com | Transferred |
937650 | 1 | Linda M Byrne | Bond Co Jewelers v. Texas International Property Associates | bonddiamond.com | Transferred |
171259 | 1 | David A Einhorn | Anthony L Trujillo And Planetfone v. 1soft | planetphone.com | Claim Denied |
105216 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Deluxe v. Dallas Internet | deluxeform.com | Transferred |
888649 | 1 | Richard B Wickersham | Alpitour S P A v. Balata | viaggidea.com | Transferred |
921983 | 1 | Kendall C Reed | Nextten Stauer v. Texas International Property Associates | nexttenstauer.com | Transferred |
95242 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Jewelry Com v. Idealab | jewelery.com | Claim Denied |
536190 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Maricopa Community College District v. College Com C O Jason Levine | phoenixcollege.com | Transferred |
154528 | 1 | John J Upchurch | Bank Of America v. Tak Ume Domains For Sale | www-bankofamerica.com | Transferred |
569033 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | American International Group v. Mary Ellen Morris | aigfraud.net | Transferred |
96196 | 1 | Moon Sung Lee | Filmnet v. Onetz | filmnet.com | Claim Denied |
1216166 | 1 | Joel M Grossman | Mason Companies v. Leroy Chan | shoemall.biz | Transferred |
244789 | 1 | Louis E Condon | City News And Video v. Citynewsandvideo | citynewsandvideo.com | Transferred |
192746 | 1 | Louis E Condon | Management Plus Enterprises v. Mpe Technology Services And 000 Sj43711 | mpe.com | Transferred |
209902 | 1 | Louis E Condon | America Online v. Alexander Boris Boch Niche Profit | aol-x.com | Transferred |
96457 | 1 | Robert Merhige | Successful Money Management Seminars v. Direct Mail Express | seminarsucess.com | Claim Denied |
506524 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Landry S Restaurants Landry S Trademark And Rainforest Cafe v. Landrys Restaurants | joescrabschack.com | Transferred |
180624 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | K R Usa v. So So Domains | philadelphiaenquirer.com | Transferred |
102816 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Gehl Company v. Roy Gehl | gehl.biz | Transferred |
814312 | 1 | Petter Rindforth | Westcoast Contempo Fashions v. Manila Industries | kensiegirl.com | Transferred |
147303 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | Mattel v. Phayze | barbiexxx.com | Transferred |
872052 | 1 | Robert T Pfeuffer | Sea World Orporated v. Jmxtrade Com C O Jm | shamu.org | Transferred |
1142567 | 1 | Karl V Fink | Yahoo v. Junlong Zheng C O Onlinenic | yahootrips.com | Transferred |
1115109 | 1 | David H Bernstein, Dawn Osborne, Bruce E O Connor | Scola v. Brian Wick Dba Cheapyellowpages Com | scola.com | Transferred |
102945 | 1 | M Kelly Tillery | Frh Freies Rechenzentrum Heilberufe v. Ingenieurburo Frh Stuttgart | frh.biz | Claim Denied |
275419 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter, John J Upchurch, Richard B Wickersham | Google v. Richard Wolfe | froogles.com | Claim Denied with dissenting opinion |
139693 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Foot Locker Retail v. Bruce Gibson | footlockersportinggoodsinternational.com | Transferred |
94964 | 1 | James A Crary | Daniel J Quirk v. Michael J Maccini | quirkoldsmobile.com | Claim Denied |
128817 | 1 | R Glen Ayers, Robert T Pfeuffer, Charles K Mccotter | International Olympic Committee United States Olympic Committee v. Russell Ritchey Ez Fixin S Ebrandman | olympicbrand.com | Transferred |
145235 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Fdny Fire Safety Education Fund v. R Miller Aka Roger Miller | fdny.biz | Transferred |
93682 | 1 | Marilyn W Carney | Car Toys v. Informa Unlimited | cartoys.net | Claim Denied |
1231199 | 1 | Dennis A Foster | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Chicago Insurance Prof C O Tim Wipert | localstatefarmagent.com | Transferred |
622122 | 1 | Tyrus R Atkinson | Enterprise Rent A Car Company v. David Mizer Enterprises | enterpriseautoauction.com | Transferred |
203208 | 1 | Paul A Dorf | Sheryl Crow C O Provident Financial Management v. Lovearth Net | sheryl-crow.com | Transferred |
404546 | 1 | Paul A Dorf | Zappos Com v. Turvill Consultants | wwwzappos.com | Transferred |
95294 | 1 | James Carmody | Gamesville Com v. John Zuccarini | gamesvilles.com | Transferred |
114414 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | K N Engineering v. Mike Weinberger | knfiltercharger.com | Transferred |
95414 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Gorstew Unique Vacations v. Satin Leaf | sandalsagency.com | Transferred |
944496 | 1 | James Carmody | West Publishing v. Texas International Property Associates | westlegalcenter.com | Transferred |
622345 | 1 | Karl V Fink | The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group v. Trb | royalbankscot.com | Transferred |
250236 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Warner Bros Entertainment v. Chris Sadler | shop4harrypotter.com | Transferred |
893000 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | The Vanderbilt University v. Uorporated | vanderbilt.mobi | Transferred |
1189976 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Baylor University v. Laksh Internet Solutions Private | baylormedicalhospital.com | Transferred |
97750 | 1 | John J Upchurch | Access Resource Services And Miss Cleo v. Individual Aka David Molle | misscleosucks.com | Transferred |
933276 | 1 | Calvin A Hamilton | George Weston Bakeries v. Charles Mcbroom | gwbakeries.mobi | Transferred |
1194792 | 1 | John J Upchurch | Victoria S Secret Stores Brand Management v. Junlong Zheng | 2victoriassecret.com | Transferred |
1262254 | 1 | Karl V Fink | Gmac v. Indian Domainer | gmacsf.com | Transferred |
237440 | 1 | John J Upchurch | The American National Red Cross v. Universal Translator Aka Zlatko Yankulov | globalredcross.com | Transferred |
93547 | 1 | R Glen Ayers, Ross Carson, David H Bernstein | Crs Technology v. Condenet | concierge.com | Claim Denied |
96451 | 1 | James P Buchele | Land O Lakes v. Offbeat Media | land-o-lez.com | Transferred |
714952 | 1 | Nelson A Diaz, Terry F Peppard, Anne Wallace | The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Direct Line Insurance And Privilege Insurance Company v. Demand Domains C O C S C | privelage.com | Transferred |
102480 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Savage Systems v. Lorna Kang | savagearchery.com | Transferred |
625591 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Procter Gamble Pharmaceuticals v. Johnny Carpela | actonel.org | Transferred |
196166 | 1 | James Carmody | Trans Global Tours v. Yong Li | transglobalvacations.com | Transferred |
99584 | 1 | Richard Disalle | David And Geralyn Brown Dba Mobility Transportation Services v. Michael Sarrault Dba Smg | mobilitytrans.com | Transferred |
1106240 | 1 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Ami James v. Demand Domains | amijames.com | Transferred |
214337 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | Gestmusic Endemol S A v. Operaciontriunfo Us And O Operaciontriunfo Us | operaciontriunfo.us | Transferred |
101820 | 1 | Jacques A Leger | America Online v. Rao Tella Dba Arbor Online Box | aolbox.com | Transferred |
715089 | 1 | Clive L Elliott | Coppertown Drive Thru Systems v. R Snowden | coppertown.com | Transferred |
593977 | 1 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Datingdirect Com v. Wayne Aston | sexdatingdirect.com | Transferred |
94355 | 1 | Jeffrey M Samuels, Neil A Smith, James P Buchele | Philippe Tenehaus v. Telepathy | daf.com | Claim Denied |
96076 | 1 | James P Buchele | Gutterbolt v. Nyi Building Products | gutterbolt.com | Transferred |
114654 | 1 | Carolyn Marks Johnson | America Online v. Oxford University Aka Oxford U Domains For Sale Domain Man Com | 7aol.com | Transferred |
95497 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Caterpillar v. Off Road Equipment Parts | catparts.com | Claim Denied |
93667 | 1 | Paul A Dorf | Fanuc v. Machine Control Services | fanuc.com | Transferred |
115086 | 1 | Harold Kalina | America Online v. Inforian | cicq.net | Transferred |
135619 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Lee Enterprises Orporated v. Polanski | billingsgazzette.com | Transferred |
543451 | 1 | Sandra J Franklin | United Service Organizations v. Deborah Moore | uso-european-region.org | Transferred |
114707 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | G D Searle Co v. 24 7 Commerce Com | celebrex-vioxx-ultram-super-blue-stuff.com | Transferred |
94974 | 1 | James Carmody | Flor Jon Films v. Ron Larson | americangladiator.com | Transferred |
94335 | 1 | Karl V Fink | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Jit Consulting | statefarmdirect.com | Transferred |
117013 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | Albertson S v. Bruce Bennett Dba Coupon | albertsonscoupons.com | Transferred |
932344 | 1 | David H Tatham | Renaissance Hotel Holdings v. The Renaissance Cochin | renaissancecochin.com | Transferred |
857581 | 1 | James Carmody | The Association Of Junior Leagues International v. This Domain Name My Be For Sale C O Legend Name | jl.org | Transferred |
183897 | 1 | William H Andrews | Ecg European City Guide v. Jules Woodell | stopecg.org | Claim Denied |
192595 | 1 | Charles K Mccotter | America Online v. David Bates | icq4xxx.com | Transferred |
244073 | 1 | Houston Putnam Lowry | Mattel v. Kpf | bellemodebarbie.com | Transferred |
245971 | 1 | James Carmody | Yahoo v. Dill Dough Yasexhoo | yasexhoo.com | Transferred |
105210 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Sears Roebuck And Co v. John Barry | searsrobuck.com | Transferred |
744436 | 1 | Richard W Hill | Ticketmaster v. Senthil Kumar | indiaticketmaster.com | Transferred |
910746 | 1 | Ralph Yachnin | Bausch Lomborporated v. Johnny Carpela | lotemax.com | Transferred |
96701 | 1 | James P Buchele | Minnesota State Lottery v. Bryan Mendes | mnlottery.com | Transferred |