Original Decision


Full case details for googlesex.info filed at NAF(232958) under UDRP on 2004-03-08 by Google with panelist Charles K Mccotter resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID18987
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2004-03-08
Case No:232958
Panelists:Charles K Mccotter
Complainant Name:Google
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Rose A Hagan
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:Raffaele Bassano
Respondent Locale:it
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
143684The American National Red Cross v. Domains Aka Best Domains Aka John Barryredcrosspharmacy.comCharles K MccotterX
117330Isleworth Land Company v. Lost In Space Saisleworthcountryclub.comSandra J FranklinX
106084Google v. Jon Ggoogel.comHarold KalinaX
102843William E Strum v. Nordic Net Exchange Abnetx.comRichard W HillX
102609Google v. Mikel M Freijegooglesex.comSandra J FranklinX
101579Google v. Abercrombie 1googld.comJohn J UpchurchX
96542Victoria S Secret Et Al v. Asdakvictoriasecretcasino.comJames CarmodyX
96451Land O Lakes v. Offbeat Medialand-o-lez.comJames P BucheleX
95391Dolar Rent A Car Systems v. Lee Jonghodollarcar.netHarold KalinaX

Panelists Citing:

Paul M Decicco15
Sandra J Franklin10
Karl V Fink9
Bruce E Meyerson6
Tyrus R Atkinson5
Neil Brown5
Carolyn Marks Johnson5
Louis E Condon4
Terry F Peppard4
Charles K Mccotter4
Ralph Yachnin3
Ho Hyun Nahm3
James Carmody3
Richard W Hill2
Paul A Dorf2
Harold Kalina2
Robert T Pfeuffer2
Houston Putnam Lowry1
Debrett Gordon Lyons1
Dawn Osborne1
Sally Abel1
James A Crary1
Alan Limbury1
John J Upchurch1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
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addamsfamilycostumes.com2023-05-15Tee And Charles Addams FoundationGro EnRichard W HillTransferredNAF 2040180
snapjenter.com2023-02-13SnapHost Master 1337 ServicesSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 2027553
paypalusd.com2023-02-08PaypalMan LidyPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2027180
tryskoal.com2023-02-06U S Smokeless Tobacco CompanyChennanNeil BrownTransferredNAF 2026369
snapchatsex.club2022-12-19SnapSuspended DomainPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2020637
my-disney.com2022-11-03Disney EnterprisesTangpengDebrett Gordon LyonsTransferredNAF 2014377
aolemaillogin.com2022-11-01YahooShaoshan LePaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2014734
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lsatquiz.com2022-09-21Law School Admission CouncilRenshuoPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2009047
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wfsbtv.com2022-09-07Gray Media GroupDfc3ggt Lu YeyePaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2005716
dellmid.com2022-08-29DellZheng DanPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2005973
szagilent.com2022-08-10Agilent TechnologiesBiao LiuPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2002885
disney100.com2022-07-13Disney EnterprisesXiongyiPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2000355
dellcares.com2022-07-08DellWei XiPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 1999379
engadjet.com2022-06-08YahooHao LiNeil BrownTransferredNAF 1994829
snapchatforpcdownload.com2022-04-19SnapAkira Tanaka Tanaka AkiraNeil BrownTransferredNAF 1988801
bungechina.com2022-04-05Bunge And Bunge Sanwei Oil Fat CoSha ChenSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1986565
transamericanonline.com2022-03-10TransamericaZilei ChenKarl V FinkTransferredNAF 1983627
thepremiumsnapchat.com2020-07-30SnapNesht DrugpPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 1903045
stripcamsnaps.com2020-07-30SnapHost Master 1337 ServicesPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 1902490
fswagelok.com2020-02-04Swagelok CompanyLin Yunfei Cai JiangtaoTerry F PeppardTransferredNAF 1878128
capitalonelove.com2019-10-28Capital One FinancialArtemKarl V FinkTransferredNAF 1863716
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