Original Decision


Full case details for davidhallrarecoins.com filed at NAF(915206) under UDRP on 2007-04-09 by David Hall Rare Coins with panelist Darryl C Wilson resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID15718
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2007-04-09
Case No:915206
Panelists:Darryl C Wilson
Complainant Name:David Hall Rare Coins
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Keith A Attlesey
Complainant Rep Firm:Attlesey Thomlinson Llp
Respondent Name:Texas International Property Associates
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:Gary Wayne Tucker
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
881234St Lawrence University v. Nextnet Tech C O Domain Deptstlawu.comLinda M ByrneX
881460Shana Hiatt v. Personal Fan Official Site Builders We Build Great Sites C O Zero Cost To You Contact To Buildshanahiatt.comCarolyn Marks JohnsonX
804924Vin Diesel v. Lmn Aka L M Nordellvindiesel.comTyrus R AtkinsonX
768859Instron v. Andrew Kaner C O Electromatic Aka Electromatic Equip Tshoredurometer.comReinhard SchandaX
203164Glaxo Group v. Www Zban C O David Glenmorewwwzyban.comHarold KalinaX
157321Computerized Security Systems D B A Saflok v. Bennie Husaflock.comHugues G RichardX
142318S A Bendheim Co v. Hollander Glassrestorationglass.comP Jay HinesX
97044Great Plains Metromall v. Gene Creachgreatplainsmall.comRalph YachninX
95312Perot Systems v. Perot Netperot.netJames P BucheleX

Panelists Citing:

Karl V Fink63
James Carmody63
Charles K Mccotter59
Ralph Yachnin53
Terry F Peppard52
Sandra J Franklin52
Tyrus R Atkinson51
Carolyn Marks Johnson44
John J Upchurch36
Bruce E Meyerson35
Harold Kalina33
Paul A Dorf31
Louis E Condon25
Houston Putnam Lowry18
Paul M Decicco12
Darryl C Wilson12
Neil Brown11
Robert T Pfeuffer8
Carol Stoner7
Maninder Singh7
Reinhard Schanda7
Beatrice Onica Jarka5
Flip Petillion5
Nelson A Diaz5
David E Sorkin5
Michael A Albert4
James A Crary4
Hugues G Richard3
Anne Wallace3
David P Miranda3
R Glen Ayers3
Richard W Hill3
Hector Ariel Manoff3
Daniel B Banks3
Linda M Byrne3
Richard Disalle2
Timothy O Leary2
Mark Mccormick2
Debrett Gordon Lyons2
Diane Thilly Cabell2
Alan Limbury2
Nathalie Dreyfus2
Ian Barker1
Christopher S Gibson1
Rodney C Kyle1
Dawn Osborne1
G Oo Baak1
Natalia Stetsenko1
Calvin A Hamilton1
Clive L Elliott1
G Gervaise Davis1
David A Einhorn1
Q Todd Dickinson1
Katalin Szamosi1
Ho Hyun Nahm1
Luiz E Montaury Pimenta1
Sally Abel1
James Bridgeman1
Show All

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