Original Decision


Full case details for persiankitty.us filed at NAF(113280) under ccTLD on 2002-08-20 by Meow Media with panelist Paul A Dorf resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID20233
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2002-08-20
Case No:113280
Panelists:Paul A Dorf
Complainant Name:Meow Media
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:None
Complainant Rep Firm:
Respondent Name:John Basil Aka American Software Factory
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:Andrzej Madloch
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
96882Westjet Air Center v. West Jetswestjets.comRalph YachninX
96577Vapor Blast Mfg Co v. R S Technologiesvaporblast.netRalph YachninX
96356Broadcom v. Intellifonebroadcom2000.comJames CarmodyX
96209Gallup v. Amish Country Storegalluppoll.comTheodore R Kupferman, Irving H Perluss, Karl V FinkX
96193Phat Fashions v. Kevin Krugerphattpharm.comIrving H PerlussX
93554Big Dog Holdings Big Dog Sportswear v. Red River Farmsbigdog.comIrving H PerlussX

Panelists Citing:

John J Upchurch32
Sandra J Franklin27
James Carmody27
Ralph Yachnin24
Karl V Fink24
Louis E Condon16
Carolyn Marks Johnson15
Bruce E Meyerson14
Charles K Mccotter12
Houston Putnam Lowry10
Paul A Dorf6
Darryl C Wilson5
James A Crary4
Tyrus R Atkinson3
Kenneth L Port3
Daniel B Banks3
Bruce E O Connor2
Nelson A Diaz2
Terry F Peppard2
Harold Kalina2
Debrett Gordon Lyons1
Montaury Pimenta1
R Glen Ayers1
Michael A Albert1
Calvin A Hamilton1
David S Safran1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
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nelnet.us2016-08-08NelnetCharles AbramsSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1682267
enterprize.us2016-06-29Enterprise HoldingsMatthew FernandesNelson A DiazTransferredNAF 1678376
ho1.us2016-03-14Hom Innovations Pour La Elegance Masculine And Huber Holdings AsiaPhmc GpeJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1658722
kayaktravel.us2015-12-18Kayak Software DelawareItlinks ComKenneth L PortTransferredNAF 1647695
bildpl.us2015-11-11Bild Co KgJames CousinHouston Putnam LowryTransferredNAF 1641283
usps.us2015-06-24United States Postal ServicePete SmithCarolyn Marks JohnsonTransferredNAF 1618511
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hugobossclothing.us2014-08-04Hugo Boss Trademark Management Co KgLuigii CardinaeeJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1566126
pinkjeeptours.us2014-07-23Pink Jeep ToursTim ConawayCharles K MccotterTransferredNAF 1564779
cleartrip.us2014-07-22Cleartrip PrivateSudheer Reddy Iween Software SolutionsJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1563768
swarovskicrystal.us2014-07-15Swarovski AktiengesellschaftPeter D PersonJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1563094
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