UDRP.Tools ID | 21874 |
Domain(s): | teleconfusionremoval.com |
Decision Outcome: | Claim Denied |
Decision Date: | 2000-11-01 |
Venue: | NAF |
Case No: | 95612 |
Panelists: | Karl V Fink |
Complainant Name: | Djf Associates |
Complainant Locale: | us |
Complainant Rep: | None |
Complainant Rep Firm: | |
Respondent Name: | Aib Communications |
Respondent Locale: | us |
Respondent Rep: | None |
Respondent Rep Firm: | |
Respondent Replied: | Yes |
RDNH Found: | No |
Case | Parties | Domain | Panelists | Cited Before Discussion | Cited in Discussion |
95404 | L L Bean v. Shopstarnetwork | shoppllbean.com | James P Buchele | X |
Panelist | Count |
Carolyn Marks Johnson | 8 |
Daniel B Banks | 6 |
Houston Putnam Lowry | 5 |
Nelson A Diaz | 4 |
G Gervaise Davis | 4 |
Reinhard Schanda | 3 |
Diane Thilly Cabell | 3 |
M Kelly Tillery | 3 |
David P Miranda | 2 |
James Carmody | 2 |
Show All |
Domain | Date | Complainant | Respondent | Panelist(s) | Decision | Original Decision |
troy-biltpartstore.com | 2016-05-31 | Mtd Products | Aj Burton Equipment Garage | Kenneth L Port, Richard W Hill, David E Sorkin | Claim Denied | NAF 1670523 |
springwoodsrealty.com | 2015-07-16 | Springwoods Realty | Texas Property Tax Appeals Texas Property Tax Appeals | Houston Putnam Lowry | Claim Denied | NAF 1624056 |
911healthnow.com | 2013-04-09 | Healthnow New York | Claire Calladine | Nelson A Diaz, James Carmody, Reinhard Schanda | Claim Denied | NAF 1485672 |
cosm.com | 2012-08-20 | Mithral Communications Design | Logmein | Richard Disalle, G Gervaise Davis, Bruce E O Connor | Claim Denied | NAF 1449777 |
browardhealth.com | 2012-01-12 | North Broward Hospital District | David Shiffman | G Gervaise Davis, Sandra J Franklin, David S Safran | Claim Denied | NAF 1416226 |
natiional.com | 2011-05-31 | Vanguard Trademark Holdings Usa | Administrator Domain Vertical Axis | R Glen Ayers, Charles K Mccotter, Neil Brown | Claim Denied | NAF 1383694 |
discount-coffee.net | 2009-09-21 | Discount Coffee Com C O Kirby Newbury | Wcm Investments C O William Mcclure | Karl V Fink | Claim Denied | NAF 1281715 |
pacificbearingsales.com | 2009-01-28 | Pacific Bearing | Pacific International Bearing Sales | G Gervaise Davis, Anne Wallace, Reinhard Schanda | Claim Denied | NAF 1238265 |
wheatcraft.com | 2008-12-22 | Stephen Wheatcraft | Reison C O Domain Manager | Daniel B Banks | Claim Denied | NAF 1232650 |
secrecysleeve.com | 2006-11-14 | Election Systems Software | Andrew Stewart Aka Andy Stewart | Daniel B Banks | Claim Denied | NAF 805224 |
comregister.com | 2006-09-11 | Register Com | Shwarnaalakshumi C O Aciindia | James Carmody | Claim Denied | NAF 747648 |
lettsoflondon.com | 2006-07-17 | Charles Letts Co | Citipublications | G Gervaise Davis, David P Miranda, Reinhard Schanda | Transferred | NAF 692150 |
independenceharbor.com | 2006-05-03 | Independence Harbor I Condominium Association | Noel Turner | Darryl C Wilson | Claim Denied | NAF 666077 |
theapartmentpeople.com | 2006-03-02 | Icafs | The Apartment People | Michael A Albert | Claim Denied | NAF 613503 |
twincitygaragedoors.com | 2005-08-08 | Twin City Garage Door Company C O Lisa Donabauer | Express Garage C O Doron Kim | Mark Mccormick | Claim Denied | NAF 506435 |
joblog.com | 2005-07-18 | Anwar Kazi | Domain Deluxe C O Domain Admin | Barry Schreiber, Diane Thilly Cabell, Carolyn Marks Johnson | Claim Denied | NAF 488845 |
deervalleylodging.info | 2005-06-27 | Deer Valley Resort Company | Intermountain Lodging And Reservation Center | Clive L Elliott | Claim Denied | NAF 474344 |
deervalleycondos.us | 2005-06-21 | Deer Valley Resort Company | Intermountain Lodging | Daniel B Banks | Claim Denied | NAF 471429 |
ahava.com | 2005-05-31 | Ahava Na | Ahava Usa | Houston Putnam Lowry | Claim Denied | NAF 464505 |
estrusalert.com | 2005-04-29 | Western Point | Eniva Direct C O Terrence Swedzinski | Clive L Elliott | Claim Denied | NAF 440091 |
leasetrade.com | 2005-04-05 | Subleaseexchange Com Leasetrader Com | Matt Mcginnis | Darryl C Wilson, Diane Thilly Cabell, Nelson A Diaz | Claim Denied | NAF 421267 |
bettendorfnews.com | 2005-01-07 | Lee Procurement Solutions Co | Getlocalnews Com | Nelson A Diaz | Claim Denied | NAF 366270 |
ikram.com | 2004-12-27 | Ikram Goldman | Dotcorner Com C O Domain Administrator | David S Safran | Claim Denied | NAF 362420 |
target.org | 2004-07-09 | Target Brands | Eastwind Group | Steven L Schwartz | Claim Denied | NAF 267475 |
amazonenespanol.com | 2004-06-30 | Amazon Com | Rc Group | Tyrus R Atkinson, M Kelly Tillery, Carolyn Marks Johnson | Transferred | NAF 270286 |
Show All |