Original Decision


Full case details for atpe.com filed at NAF(685104) under UDRP on 2006-05-31 by Association Of Texas Professional Educators with panelist Clive L Elliott resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID16830
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2006-05-31
Case No:685104
Panelists:Clive L Elliott
Complainant Name:Association Of Texas Professional Educators
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:W Reid Wittliff
Complainant Rep Firm:Graves Dougherty Hearon Moody P C
Respondent Name:Salvia
Respondent Locale:lv
Respondent Rep:Anatoly Ostrovsky
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
637920The University Of Houston System v. Salviakuhf.comSandra J FranklinX
198959The Coryn Group And Am Resorts v. Media Insightsecretscapri.comBruce E Meyerson, M Kelly Tillery, Ralph YachninX
201976Associated Newspapers v. Domain Managermailonsunday.comCarolyn Marks JohnsonX
173369Ian Schrager Hotels L L C Beach Hotel Associates v. Jay Taylorparamounthotelnewyork.comJeffrey M SamuelsX
95248Tuxedos By Rose v. Hector Nunezrosetuxedo.comJames CarmodyX

Panelists Citing:

Sandra J Franklin14
Carolyn Marks Johnson8
James Carmody7
Charles K Mccotter5
Karl V Fink5
Tyrus R Atkinson5
Ralph Yachnin4
Bruce E Meyerson4
Richard W Hill3
Terry F Peppard3
Houston Putnam Lowry3
Harold Kalina3
Paul A Dorf3
Louis E Condon2
Nelson A Diaz2
G Gervaise Davis2
Maninder Singh2
Linda M Byrne2
John J Upchurch2
Richard G Lyon1
Patrick C Guillot1
R Glen Ayers1
Debrett Gordon Lyons1
Anne Wallace1
Petter Rindforth1
Darryl C Wilson1
David H Tatham1
David E Sorkin1
Paul M Decicco1
Flip Petillion1
Beatrice Onica Jarka1
Ho Hyun Nahm1
Clive L Elliott1
David P Miranda1
Robert T Pfeuffer1
Mark Mccormick1
David S Safran1
Timothy O Leary1
Richard Disalle1
Daniel B Banks1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
stocktonuniversity.org2016-02-06Stockton UniversitySandeep KulshresthaRichard W HillTransferredNAF 1655246
beaubois.com2015-12-07Eba Nisterie Beaubois Lta E Alex VignolaReserved For Customers Mustneed ComHouston Putnam LowryClaim DeniedNAF 1645810
eht.com2015-07-10John DilksPrivacy Administrator AnonymizeHouston Putnam LowryTransferredNAF 1623023
lbcefcu.com2015-03-09Long Beach City Employees Federal Credit UnionTech Domain Services PrivateTerry F PeppardTransferredNAF 1603023
chexsystems.org2014-04-26Chex SystemsPham Dinh NhutHo Hyun NahmTransferredNAF 1548788
ymail.com.co2014-01-10YahooYahoo Com YahooJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1532273
radioamerica.com2013-08-26American Studies Center Radio AmericaJet Stream Enterprises C O Jet StreamJames CarmodyTransferredNAF 1511405
bankoklahoma.com2013-02-25Bok FinancialSuccessorporatedSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1481487
findingnemo3dmovie.com2012-07-18Disney Enterprises And Marvel EntertainmentThe Real DealSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1448223
maggiebrides.com2012-06-27Maggie Sottero DesignsZhou MaggieDebrett Gordon LyonsClaim DeniedNAF 1444847
jocosidingandpainting.com2012-06-20Johnson County Siding Window CoYell AdworksSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1443576
frenchquarterlanterns.com2012-05-30Bevolo Gas Electric LightsFrench Quarter LanternsNelson A Diaz, R Glen Ayers, Patrick C GuillotClaim DeniedNAF 1440239
nationaltheatrelive.com2012-04-19Royal National TheatreNine Times VenturesKarl V FinkTransferredNAF 1432318
txdot.net2012-04-10Texas Department Of TransportationLeasedomains ComJames CarmodyTransferredNAF 1432014
cjonlinemedia.com2012-04-08Commission JunctionEvents Multimedia Domain Service Events Computer Design PratheeshDaniel B BanksTransferredNAF 1428729
woodburyoptical.com2012-03-13Woodbury Optical StudioTheeverythingbagelSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1428064
grapponetoyota.com2012-02-29Grappone TsFei ZhuCharles K MccotterTransferredNAF 1424557
naturethroid.com2012-02-10Rlc LabsDomain Manager Jasper DevelopmentsSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1423881
midlandmortgage.com2012-02-01Midfirst BankWbdwt Steven WelchAnne WallaceTransferredNAF 1424348
thevoiceofamerica.com2011-12-21Broadcasting Board Of GovernorsVoice Of AmericaRichard W HillTransferredNAF 1414846
draytek.us2011-11-08DraytekVogel Steve Vogel Steve StrowgerLinda M Byrne, G Gervaise Davis, David P MirandaTransferredNAF 1407669
sielte-nig.com2011-11-07Sielte S P ASalvatore GueciSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1408629
aaadancers.com2011-11-02Advanced International MarketingA A1Carolyn Marks JohnsonSplit DecisionNAF 1406896
spokanecivictheatre.org2011-11-01Spokane Civic TheatreJames RyanRichard Disalle, Richard W Hill, Richard G LyonClaim Denied with dissenting opinionNAF 1409107
chinesevisaexpress.net2011-10-28Tony AshtianiQuantum Web DesignersBruce E MeyersonTransferredNAF 1408847
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