Original Decision


Full case details for mcmullencove.com filed at NAF(370918) under UDRP on 2005-02-16 by Enfinger Development with panelists Robert T Pfeuffer, Q Todd Dickinson, and Diane Thilly Cabell resulted in a Transfer with dissenting opinion decision.

UDRP.Tools ID18202
Domain(s):mcmullencove.com, mcmullencove.org, mcmullencove.net
Decision Outcome:Transfer with dissenting opinion
Decision Date:2005-02-16
Case No:370918
Panelists:Robert T Pfeuffer, Q Todd Dickinson, Diane Thilly Cabell
Complainant Name:Enfinger Development
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Frank M Caprio
Complainant Rep Firm:Lanier Ford Shaver Payne P C
Respondent Name:Roderick Montgomery
Respondent Locale:us
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:No
RDNH Found:No
Dissenting Panelist:Diane Thilly Cabell

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
139720Tercent v. Lee Yitercent.comJames A CraryX
97044Great Plains Metromall v. Gene Creachgreatplainsmall.comRalph YachninX
95784Household International v. Cyntom Enterpriseshouseholdbank.comRoger KeransX
95248Tuxedos By Rose v. Hector Nunezrosetuxedo.comJames CarmodyX
94313Samsonite v. Colony Holdingsamsonite.orgJames P BucheleX

Panelists Citing:

James Carmody5
Bruce E Meyerson5
Terry F Peppard4
Karl V Fink4
Louis E Condon4
Beatrice Onica Jarka2
Charles K Mccotter2
John J Upchurch2
Harold Kalina1
Richard B Wickersham1
Tyrus R Atkinson1
Nathalie Dreyfus1
David P Miranda1
Carolyn Marks Johnson1
Ralph Yachnin1
Duc T Dang1
Richard W Hill1
Scott R Austin1
Clive L Elliott1
Neil Brown1
Reinhard Schanda1
Darryl C Wilson1
Paul A Dorf1
Flip Petillion1
M Kelly Tillery1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
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hisopal.com2014-05-19HisopalMichael Davidson Slayer TechnologiesBruce E MeyersonTransferredNAF 1553007
stuartzadel.net2013-07-23Stuart Zadel21st Century Property Dennis McintyreCharles K MccotterTransferredNAF 1503465
omaspride.com2012-10-10Miller FoodsBette LoughranNeil BrownTransferredNAF 1461674
officelive365.com2012-05-04MicrosoftBrian FisherTerry F PeppardTransferredNAF 1436075
elgordoylaflaca.com2012-04-11Univision CommunicationsPpa Media Services Ryan G FooCharles K MccotterTransferredNAF 1429880
shopzooey.com2012-02-06ShopzooeyJ ParkBeatrice Onica JarkaClaim DeniedNAF 1421090
microsoftclouddrive.com2012-01-02MicrosoftVivek J AgarwalClive L ElliottTransferredNAF 1415800
dillarddietdesigns.com2011-12-20Floyd S Dillard M DPrivate Registrations Aktien Gesellschaft C O Domain AdminJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1414110
libertyacquisitionsllc.com2011-10-03Liberty Acquisitions ServicingCharles McmanusKarl V FinkTransferredNAF 1405338
owntv.biz2011-05-17OwnPublic DomainsBeatrice Onica JarkaTransferredNAF 1382736
congregationkadima.com2011-02-10Congregation KadimaRoger AddelsonJames CarmodyTransferredNAF 1366740
eaglehillsouthport.com2011-02-01Eagle Hill Southport SchoolAbrams JFlip PetillionTransferredNAF 1364298
gamekinect.com2011-01-31MicrosoftDavid IngaLouis E CondonTransferredNAF 1365132
kinectshoponline.com2011-01-25MicrosoftK E HenryJames CarmodyTransferredNAF 1364807
movieinsider.org2010-08-26Brian RennerContactprivacy ComTerry F PeppardSplit DecisionNAF 1335211
getpivotcom.com2010-08-24MicrosoftGet PivotTerry F PeppardTransferredNAF 1334355
wyvern.com2010-08-16Charterx And Wyvern ConsultingGregg WestgateDavid P MirandaClaim DeniedNAF 1335604
royalnissan.com2010-06-02Royal NissanJ Luke AnthonyBruce E MeyersonTransferredNAF 1322325
hiplink.com2010-05-04SemotusBrendhan Hight And MdnhNathalie Dreyfus, Carolyn Marks Johnson, M Kelly TilleryTransferredNAF 1313556
ruanbing.com2010-04-23MicrosoftLiuyangJohn J UpchurchTransferredNAF 1313233
debtbing.com2010-04-23MicrosoftYaoxin LiuLouis E CondonTransferredNAF 1312061
wwwletstalk.com2010-04-13Letstalk ComSecure Hosts C O Domains AdministratorKarl V FinkTransferredNAF 1310253
bingimages.net2010-04-13MicrosoftZhang HuaJames CarmodyTransferredNAF 1310241
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