Original Decision


Full case details for magictrackscars.com filed at NAF(1762229) under UDRP on 2017-12-22 by Ontel Products with panelist Paul M Decicco resulted in a Transferred decision.

UDRP.Tools ID51784
Decision Outcome:Transferred
Decision Date:2017-12-22
Case No:1762229
Panelists:Paul M Decicco
Complainant Name:Ontel Products
Complainant Locale:us
Complainant Rep:Jenny T Slocum
Complainant Rep Firm:Dickinson Wright Pllc
Respondent Name:Waweru Njoroge
Respondent Locale:ke
Respondent Rep:None
Respondent Rep Firm:
Respondent Replied:Yes
RDNH Found:No

Case Notes

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Cited Cases:

CasePartiesDomainPanelistsCited Before DiscussionCited in Discussion
1589214H D U S A v. Linchunming Linchunmingtopharley.comPaul M DeciccoX
1584295Wordpress Foundation v. Mich Delorme Mich D Dot Tldshellowordpress.comCarolyn Marks JohnsonX
1223521Affliction v. Chinasupply C O Tan Longliafflictionshirt.comHarold KalinaX
1031703Minicards Vennootschap Onder Firma Amsterdam v. Moscow Studios C O Tamer Malekamesminicardsusa.comRichard B WickershamX
1000079Univision Communications v. Edmundo Norte C O Harvardhomeboy Comunivision.tvJoel M Grossman, David E Sorkin, Carolyn Marks JohnsonX
993017Mortgage Research Center v. Russell Mirandamortgageresearchcenter.orgHouston Putnam LowryX
741828Hanna Barbera Productions v. Entertainment Commentarieshannabarbera.comMichael A AlbertX
520677Katadyn North America v. Black Mountain Storeskatadyn.netRichard B WickershamX
105890America Online v. Adrian Paul Miles Dba Ad2000d Comaim5.comM Scott Donahey, James Carmody, Milton L MuellerX
1740269Watts Water Technologies v. Wo Ci Fa Men Zhi Zao Kun Shan You Xian Gong Siwatts-ks.comNeil BrownX

Panelists Citing:

Paul M Decicco32
Richard W Hill23
Sandra J Franklin19
Ho Hyun Nahm15
Neil Brown11
Terry F Peppard11
Karl V Fink10
Bruce E Meyerson7
Steven M Levy6
Nicholas Smith5
Darryl C Wilson5
Charles K Mccotter5
Petter Rindforth4
John J Upchurch4
Kenneth L Port3
Charles A Kuechenmeister3
Lynda M Braun2
Debrett Gordon Lyons2
Bart Van Besien2
Paddy Tam2
David E Sorkin1
M Kelly Tillery1
Jeffrey J Neuman1
William F Hamilton1
Show All

Cases Citing (Latest, Max 25):

DomainDateComplainantRespondentPanelist(s)DecisionOriginal Decision
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superamiri.com2023-03-08Atelier Luxury GroupFan LuHo Hyun NahmTransferredNAF 2028272
salemcfarlanetoys.com2023-03-03Todd Mcfarlane And Tmp InternationalYe ChenNeil BrownTransferredNAF 2029529
cheap-seeshop.com2023-02-13SeeYong GuoNeil BrownTransferredNAF 2026780
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msfundsp.com2022-12-21Morgan StanleyLihai LongHo Hyun NahmTransferredNAF 2021417
vanguard-trading.com2022-09-27The Vanguard GroupHost Master 1337 Services Egos Evgenevich Igor Borvolski Iva Ludic Whois Privacy Protection Foundation Hosting Concepts Bv Registrar Eu Dane Mcbeth Layton MediaPaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 2007826
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filsononline.com2022-07-07C C Filson CoHaiyan ZhuPetter RindforthTransferredNAF 1998044
skechers-argentina.com2022-07-06Skechers U S A And Skechers U S A IiClient Care Web Commerce Communications Veronica Moltas Johnsson ViljaePaul M DeciccoTransferredNAF 1998511
msbtcms.vip2022-06-13Morgan StanleyHo Hyun NahmTransferredNAF 1996173
baylorbears.store2022-06-08Baylor UniversityJian Fei GuoSandra J FranklinTransferredNAF 1994815
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